Joseph Bernhard Wendenschlegel

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Joseph Bernhard Wendenschlegel was court judge of Benediktbeuern during the Bavarian popular uprising in 1705 .

Joseph Bernhard Wendenschlegel, licentiate of both rights, was court judge and state flag captain of Benediktbeuern . Father Karl Meichelbeck reports in his diary that in November 1705 the subjects rebelled near Benediktbeuern. They complained to the abbot that they were being deprived of all livelihoods. During a gathering, a blacksmith slapped the head clerk and the judge Wendenschlegel was insulted. These riots lasted for several days. The rumor arose that the Tyroleans would invade again, whereupon on December 9th and 10th, 1705 about 400 subjects got together and - as in 1703 and 1704 - began to fortify the borders.

The monastery judge Wendenschlegel had village captains and henchmen summoned to the Benediktbeuern inn on December 21, 1705. According to Christian Probst, the subjects were already waiting for the order and appeared armed and with provisions for four days. Wendenschlegel read them the Tölz patent and on the same day marched with a crowd of at least 200 men to Königsdorf , where he united with the Tölz on December 22, 1705.

On December 23, 1705 Wendenschlegel was with the following insurgents at the meeting in Schäftlarn monastery : Nursing commissioner Joseph Ferdinand Dänkel and his chief clerk Johann Andreas Prindl, war commissioner Matthias Egidius Fuchs, Johann Jäger , Anton Passauer , Sebastian Engelhart, Adam Schöttl, one of the mayors of Tölz , Caretaker Franz Xaver Freiherr von Schmidt von Aibling, administrator Maximilian Alram von Valley , maintenance commissioner Johann Joseph Öttlinger von Starnberg, monastery judge Jakob Oberhammer von Tegernsee, the monastery judge from Dietramszell , care administrator Johann Adam Weinzierl von Miesbach , court magistrate Jakob Eder von Reichersbeuern , the Tegernseer officials Raft von Gmund and Eberl von Holzkirchen, the landlord Franz Mayer von Sachsenkam , Captain Jean Philippe Gauthier, Lieutenant Johann Clanze, Lieutenant Johann Georg Aberle , and Lieutenant Johann Houis.

His brother Hans Georg Wendenschlegel was the clerk of the Pfaffenhofen court.


Christian Probst , I'd rather die Bavarian . The Bavarian people's uprising in 1705 and 1706. Süddeutscher Verlag, Munich 1978.

Web links

List of actors in the Bavarian uprising in 1705 and 1706