Joseph Leopold

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Joseph Leopold (born March 1, 1810 in Schlipsheim , † June 19, 1868 in Munich ) was a German robber, convict and straw hat manufacturer. His escape from Friedberg prison was in national newspapers in 1833.


Joseph Leopold was the sixth of a total of thirteen children of the mercenary , broom-maker and municipal representative Norbert Leopold (* 1778 in Schlipsheim; † 1853 in Aystetten) and Maria, née. Vogt (* 1780 in Schlipsheim, † 1849 in Aystetten) was born in Schlipsheim at number 48. Little is known about Leopold's early life. He grew up in a poor family in Schlipsheim. Six of his twelve siblings died in infancy. The family wrote itself Lebold since the end of the 19th century .

In January 1833 domestic and foreign newspapers reported on his spectacular escape from the Fronfeste of the Friedberg district court . The confessed Leopold was there accused of robbery and murder. During a cell inspection, he escaped and locked the guard in his own cell. Leopold fled to Schlipsheim in his parents' house. The mother was ready to help the son, but Leopold's father and brother turned him away for fear of punishment. So Leopold fled without clothing or food into the dense part of the forest between Wellenburg and Anhausen , where he dug a pit with the help of a shovel he had taken from the house and hid there for the next five days without food and his thirst with melted snow.

When the secret of his son's whereabouts had been coaxed from his father, the Streif patrol surrounded the forest. After the father, who was accompanying the scouting party, called Leopold from his hiding place, the latter stepped out praying with a crucifix and surrendered. The fugitive was brought back to the Friedberger Fronfeste. Given the extraordinary circumstances, one hoped for a pardon.

According to his father's estate file, Leopold was imprisoned in Lichtenau prison in 1853 . After the end of his imprisonment, he lived as a licensed straw hat maker in Munich, where he ran a straw hat warehouse in Eisenmannsgasse. On January 3, 1865, Joseph Leopold, known as a straw hat manufacturer, married the unmarried Anna Maria Satter (* 1817 in Grassau) in the Frauenkirche in Munich . His brother-in-law, the sacristan of the Munich women's collegiate church Joseph Riedhofer , acted as best man. Leopold died in 1868 in Müchnen in the Hackenviertel at Altheimer Eck number 3/2 at the age of 58 of indigestion .

His nephew was the carpenter and Reifschneider Andreas Lepold (* 1831 in Schlipsheim), who was imprisoned for various offenses, including theft and vagrancy .

Individual evidence

  1. DFG-Viewer: Title: Deaths Adults. Retrieved October 2, 2019 .
  2. Oberdonau circle: Royal Bavarian intelligence sheet for the upper-Donau: 1820 . 1820 ( [accessed on July 3, 2017]).
  3. ^ Frankfurter journal . Heller & Rohm, 1833 ( [accessed July 3, 2017]).
  4. The sincere and experienced Swiss messenger . Sauerländer, 1833 ( [accessed July 3, 2017]).
  5. Augsburger Tagblatt: 1833.1 / 6 . Reichel, 1833 ( [accessed July 3, 2017]).
  6. Der Bayerischer Landbote: 1833 . 1833 ( [accessed on July 3, 2017]).
  7. StAA, Göggingen Regional Court a.O., NA 870
  8. The Bavarian Landbote: 1870 . 1870 ( [accessed October 2, 2019]).
  9. DFG-Viewer: Title: Weddings. Retrieved October 2, 2019 .
  10. Der Bayerischer Landbote: 1865 . 1865 ( [accessed on October 2, 2019]).
  11. ^ Munich City Archives: Hackenviertel . Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2019, ISBN 978-3-486-81706-5 ( [accessed on October 2, 2019]).
  12. ^ Munich: Munich Official Gazette: 1868, 1 - 102 . Royal Bayer. Police Dir., 1868 ( [accessed October 2, 2019]).
  13. Tag and display sheet for town and country: 1874.1 / 6 . Holzhauser, 1874 ( [accessed July 3, 2017]).
  14. Bayer. Central Police Journal: 1875 . 1875 ( [accessed on July 3, 2017]).
  15. Bayer. Central Police Journal: 1874 . 1874 ( [accessed on July 3, 2017]).