Joseph Lesurques

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Lesurques' grave in the Paris Père Lachaise Cemetery (Div. 8)

Hugues Nicolas Joseph Lesurques (born April 1, 1763 in Douai , † October 3, 1796 in Paris ( guillotined )) was a French businessman, son of Thomas-Joseph Lesurques and Reine Lacour and married to Jeanne Campion, with whom he had three children . His baptism date was April 2, 1763.

He was the victim of one of the most famous miscarriages of justice in French history , known as the Affair of the Post Office in Lyon ( L'affaire du courrier de Lyon ). He should at April 27, 1796 in a raid near Vert-Saint-Denis on the stagecoach Lyon -Paris (80,000 livres have been involved) and murder of two of the three occupants. Although co-defendant Couriol testified that the blond Joseph Lesurques, who looked very much like another unindicted brown-haired accomplice named André Dubosc, was not involved, eight witnesses pleaded Lesurques' guilt. While still on the scaffold, he protested his innocence. A few months later, the hitherto unknown survivor of the coach who confirms Dubosc's involvement is arrested. Judge Daubenton demonstrated in the courtroom that Dubosc was wearing a blonde wig at the time - he was known for his disguises. Now the witnesses confirmed that they had seen Dubosc. Lesurques' grave is in the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris .

Literature / film / culture

Individual evidence

  1. Archives départementales du Nord, état-civil numérisé de la commune de Douai, paroisse St-Nicolas, BMS 1742-1771, acte de baptême du 2 avril 1763 (vue 817/1131 de la numérisation)

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