Hermann Askan Demme

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Johann Friedrich Dietler , portrait of Hermann Askan Demme with son Carl Hermann, 1840.

Hermann Askan Demme (born August 28, 1802 in Altenburg , † January 18, 1867 in Bern ) was a German - Swiss doctor .

Demme was the son of Hermann Gottfried, general superintendent of Sachsen-Altenburg. He first studied philosophy and theology in Jena and Berlin . In 1822 he joined the Jena fraternity . In 1822 he was speaker of the boys' day in the Odenwald. From 1824 to 1828, the former member of the Youth Association was in custody. In 1830 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD and was assistant to Johann Lukas Schönlein . In 1831 he was a military doctor in Warsaw , in 1832 he traveled to the United States . Demme married Marie Lucie Elisabeth Auguste Diruf (1808–1882) from Heidelberg in 1833 . The two had four sons. In the same year he became professor of anatomy at the University of Zurich and in 1834 at the University of Bern. From 1835 he was a member of the Medical Council. In 1837 he became a Burger from Unterseen . On January 23, 1847, he was the first in the German-speaking area to perform a surgical procedure under successful ether anesthesia. In 1856 he became a Burger von Bern ( Society for Middle Lions ).


  • General surgery of gunshot wounds. After own experiences in the northern Italian Lazarethen of 1859 and using the previous services , Vol. 1 of Military Surgery Studies, Würzburg 1863. Certainly from Carl Hermann (son of Hermann Askan), who was active in Solferino. on-line
  • Contributions to the pathological anatomy of tetanus and some other diseases of the nervous system , Leipzig and Heidelberg 1859. online
  • About the changes in the tissue caused by fire. A contribution to pathological histology , Frankfurt a. M. 1857. online


  • Marie Lucie Elisabeth Auguste Demme-Diruf: An experience from my life and at the same time a guide to my knowledge of human nature , s. l., approx. 1866 (University Archives Bern).


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I Politicians, Part 1: A – E. Heidelberg 1996, pp. 190-191.
  • Rahel Hert: Hermann Askan Demme (1802-1867). The first surgery professor at the University of Bern. Life and Work , Bern 2011 (Diss.).
  • Urs Boschung: Demme, Hermann Askan. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Hermann Rennefahrt, E. Hintzsche, 600 years Inselspital , Bern 1954.
  • Collection of Bernischer Biographien , Vol. 3 (1898), pp. 481-518.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I Politicians, Part 1: AE. Heidelberg 1996, p. 190.
  2. Augspurgische Ordinari postal newspaper . No. 274 of November 15, 1824, p. 3.
  3. ^ Wilhelm Ferdinand Bischoff: Strange criminal law cases for judges, forensic doctors, defense attorneys and psychologists. Concerning state crimes of various kinds , Volume 3, Hanover 1837, p. 219. online
  4. Ludwig Brandt: Illustrated history of anesthesia. Stuttgart 1997, pp. 73-75.