Joseph Sécret Pascal-Vallongue

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Joseph Sécret Pascal-Vallongue
Joseph Sécret Pascal-Vallongue
Bust in the Battle Gallery of Versailles Palace

Joseph Sécret Pascal-Vallongue , rarely Joseph Sécret Pascal de Vallongue (born April 14, 1763 in Sauve , † June 17, 1806 in Castelleone ) was a French général de brigade of pioneers .


Pascal-Vallongue was the son of Simon-Pierre Pascal de Vallongue and his wife Louis Bruguière de Cazenove. After his education, mostly by private tutors, he came to the École des ponts et des chaussées ([Technical] school for bridges and roads) in Paris . After graduating, he joined the army and joined the Corps des ingénieurs des ponts et chaussées as an engineer .

During the Revolutionary Wars , Pascal-Vallongue became the Armée du Nord and fought under the leadership of General Armand Samuel de Marescot .

As a great admirer of Napoleon , he volunteered for the Egyptian expedition in 1798 . During the naval battle of Abukir (August 1-2, 1798) he was taken prisoner of war together with 45 French officers; but were released "on word of honor" and were supposed to return to France.

Pascal-Vallongue fought off Ulm (October 16/19, 1809), Haslach-Jungingen (October 11, 1805) and Austerlitz (December 2, 1805).

After further promotions and transfers, he fought at Preußisch Eylau (February 7/8, 1807) and was instrumental in the sieges of Stolp (February 14, 1807) and Danzig (May 25, 1807).

In 1806 the Grande Armée besieged Gaeta and Pascal-Vallongue was also there under the leadership of Marshal André Masséna . While inspecting the siege ring around the city, he was shot and very badly wounded. On June 17, 1806 he died in the hospital of Castelleone from his wounds.


Pascal-Vallongue was a competent as well as eager collaboration of the Mémorial topographique et militaire . His contributions have long been considered trend-setting.



  • Joseph Chambon: Un général gardois sous la Révolution et l'Émpire. Joseph Pascal de Vallongue . Presses Universelles, Avignon 1974.
  • Philip J. Haythronthwaite: Who was who in the Napoleonic Wars . Arms & Armor, London 1998, ISBN 1-85409-391-6 .
  • Charles Mullié: Biography of the célébrités militaires des armées de terre et de mer de 1789 à 1850 . Poigavant, Paris 1851 (2 vol.).
  • Hector B. Piers: Biography de la ville de Saint Omer . Lemaire, Saint-Omer 1835.
  • Georges Six: Dictionnaire biographique des généraux & amiraux français de la Révolution et de l'Émpire . Saffroy, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-901541-06-2 (reprint of the Paris 1934 edition)
  • Digby Smith : The Greenhill Napoleonic wars data book . Greenhill, London 1998, ISBN 1-85367-276-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. see also: Republic of Danzig .