Joseph Umstatt

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Joseph Umstatt (born February 5, 1711 in Vienna , † May 24, 1762 in Bamberg ) was an Austrian composer .


Joseph Umstatt grew up in Vienna and may have been a student of Johann Joseph Fux . He first studied between 1727 and 1730 at the Jesuit College in Tyrnau , Slovakia , an important music school in the Kingdom of Hungary , at which time he taught Mikuláš Esterházy . Umstatt then played as a harpsichordist and organist in the chapel of the Archbishop of Bratislava, Imre Esterházy , and later with the Count of Dietrichstein in Brno . The Prime Minister of Saxony, Count Heinrich von Brühl , hired Joseph Umstatt as court conductor before he was the episcopal court composer and court conductor in Bamberg until his death in 1762 .


Umstatt was considered one of the most original Viennese composers of harpsichord music in the first half of the 18th century. He also composed church music such as oratorios, masses (such as the "Missa Natalitia") and requies, as well as secular music-dramatic works. The vast majority of his work, however, consists of symphonies, concerts and chamber music.


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