Josip Jurčević

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Josip Jurčević (2008)

Josip Jurčević (born April 19, 1951 in Studenci near Imotski , SR Croatia , Yugoslavia ) is a revisionist Croatian historian and politician .


Jurčević grew up in Zagreb . In the 1970s he studied computer science , theology , Marxism and economics there .

In 1991/92 he volunteered at the beginning of the Croatian War . He then studied history at the University of Zagreb , where he obtained a master's degree in 1996 with a thesis on the problem of research into the victims of World War II on the territory of Croatia . From 1997 he was an employee of the Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar (Social Science Institute " Ivo Pilar "). In 2000, he was at the University of Zagreb with a thesis on The repression by the Yugoslav system in Croatia in 1945, a doctorate . He is the author of several books. He teaches at the University of Osijek and at the Pedagogical University in Petrinja .

Josip Jurčević is a member of a Croatian war veterans association . As a non-party candidate, he ran for the Croatian presidential election in December 2009 .

In January 2016, Miro Crnoja , the first minister for war veterans in Tihomir Orešković's government , made him his advisor.

Josip Jurčević is married and has seven children.

The author's research focuses on communist crimes during and after the Second World War . In addition, Jurčević has also worked as a textbook author and author of works on political and social issues.


As a historian, Jurčević promotes historical revisionism. In his review of Jurčević's work The Origin of the Myth Jasenovac , the German historian of Southeastern Europe, Holm Sundhaussen, criticizes his understanding of science as a kind of ideological science that must be “ nationally (istisch) based ”. Sundhaussen also noted that Jurčević's criticism of the handling of the number of victims in the Jasenovac concentration camp (1941–1945) during the time of Yugoslavia (1945–1992) was justified, but that he juggled obviously absurd numbers to make the seriousness of new surveys and calculations ridiculous to pull. Jurčević willingly and thoughtlessly adopted the unword “Jasenovac myth” and, while avoiding clear statements, indicated that he understood Jasenovac as a “labor camp” and that there was no genocide of the Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia . Sundhaussen further criticizes Jurčević's conclusion that the criterion for persecution by the Ustasha was not of an ethnic nature, which means that the latter disregards international research on the Ustasha and that it is obviously unknown to him. Just as Jurčević strove to minimize the number of Ustasha's victims, so he strove to maximize the victims of communism (and Serbian aggression).

In 2006, the Nacional newspaper named him the new icon of the Croatian right , as he expressed the positions of the political right.


  • Nastanak jasenovačkog mita. Problemi proučavanja žrtava Drugog svjetskog rata na području Hrvatske. 1998, ISBN 953-6682-01-X ; German edition: The origin of the Jasenovac myth. Problems with research on the victims of World War II on the territory of Croatia. 2007, ISBN 978-953-950432-6 .
  • Bleiburg. Jugoslavenski poratni zločini nad Hrvatima ( Bleiburg . The Yugoslav post-war crimes against the Croats), 2005, ISBN 953-95043-0-9 .
  • Crna knjiga komunizma u Hrvatskoj. Zločini jugoslavenskih komunista u Hrvatskoj 1945. godine. 2006, ISBN 953-7379-00-0 ; German edition: The black list of communism in Croatia. The crimes of the Yugoslav communists in Croatia in 1945. 2006, ISBN 3-200-00647-1 .
  • Stogodišnji teror jugoslavenstva i komunizma u Hrvatskoj (The Centennial Terror of Yugoslavism and Communism in Croatia), 2015, ISBN 9789539504371

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. a b c Holm Sundhaussen : Review of Jurčević's book The Origin of the Myth Jasenovac . Retrieved November 21, 2016 .