Jules Voncken

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Jules Voncken

Jules Voncken (born July 26, 1887 in Liers , Liège province ; † June 12, 1975 ) was a Belgian military doctor with the rank of major general and inspector of the military medical system of the Belgian armed forces ("medical components"). He was co-founder and general secretary of the International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM) in Liège .


Voncken was born in Liers, now a district of Herstal . In 1909 he completed his medical studies at the University of Liège , became a medical officer in the same year , worked for a long time as a surgeon and served in the First World War . He was accepted into the Belgian Society for Surgery ( Société belge de chirurgie ) and became a corresponding member of the French Académie nationale de médecine and an associate member of the Académie de chirurgie de Paris.

In 1920, at that time still in the rank of Colonel , Voncken and the US Navy Captain (MD) William Seaman Bainbridge made the decision to found an international association for the military medical services of nations at the 28th working conference of the Association of US Military Doctors ( AMSUS) .

After the Second World War and the liberation of Belgium, he was appointed inspector of the military medical services of the Belgian armed forces and charged with the reorganization of the same.

From the idea of ​​founding an international association for the military medical services of the nations, the Standing Committee of the International Congresses of Military Medicine and Pharmacy was founded on May 21, 1952, which in 1990 was named International Committee of Military Medicine. Voncken was Secretary General of the institution from the time it was founded until his death. The Jules Voncken Prize of the ICMM is named after him. From 1937, at the invitation of the International Committee of the Red Cross, he was an expert member of the commission for the revision of the Geneva Conventions of 1929.

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Individual evidence

  1. In memoriam - Général Médicin J. Voncken. In: Revue de droit pénal militaire et de droit de la guerre. Volume 13, Société internationale de droit pénal militaire et de droit de la guerre, 1975, p. 220. ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  2. a b International review of the red cross (English; PDF; 2.6 MB), November 1975.
  3. Necologi. In: Rivista di medicina aeronautica e spaziale. Volumes 38-39, Servizio di Sanità aeronautica, 1975, p. 369 f. ( limited preview in Google Book search)