William Seaman Bainbridge

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William Seaman Bainbridge (born February 17, 1870 in Providence , † September 22, 1947 in Danbury / Connecticut ) was an American surgeon and gynecologist and military doctor in the US Navy . He was a co-founder of the International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM).


William Seaman Bainbridge, son of the cleric William Folwell Bainbridge and the missionary Elizabeth (Seaman) Bainbridge, first attended university Grammar School of Brown University in his hometown and his parents after moving to Brooklyn a private school. He spent part of his childhood in Japan with his parents.

As an adolescent, he joined the 13th National Guard Cadet Company , was promoted to corporal, and attended Mohegan Lake Military Academy in Peekskill , New York.

In his desire to become a surgeon , he was also influenced by Eliza Maria Mosher , who encouraged his interest in biology and introduced him to Jay Webber Seaver , who was one of the pioneers of anthropometry . He attended Shurtleff College , studied at Washington and Jefferson Medical College up to the degree of Master of Science . A postgraduate degree at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York to the Columbia University he graduated in 1896 as a doctor of medicine . He volunteered as a member of the VII Army Corps in the Spanish-American War and worked at the New York Presbyterian Hospital and the associated Sloane Hospital for Women . In June 1907 he received his doctorate from the Western University of Pennsylvania and was honorary president of the Cancer Congress in Heidelberg in September of the same year . He taught gynecology at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital and gynecology and surgery at the New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital . He was also a consultant surgeon and consultant gynecologist at several national and international clinics.

During his career as a military doctor, he and the Belgian doctor- colonel Jules Voncken made the decision to found an international association for the military medical services of the nations at the 28th working conference of the Association of US Military Doctors ( AMSUS) in 1920 . Based on this idea, the Standing Committee of the International Congresses of Military Medicine and Pharmacy was founded on May 21, 1952, which in 1990 was named International Committee of Military Medicine. A few years later he was Brigadier General Surgeon General of the US Boys' Brigade and then Assistant Surgeon of the US Navy Reserve Corps .

Seaman Bainbright was a member of the Delta Epsilon Brotherhood, the American Medical Association, and several New York medical societies.

Individual evidence

  1. History of the ICMM (English)
  2. Dr. William Seaman Bainbridge ( Memento of the original from February 22, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Detailed biography (English). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / mysite.verizon.net
  3. ^ William Seaman Bainbridge (English).