Julian Lwowitsch black porridge

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Julian Lwowitsch black porridge ( Russian Юлиан Львович Шварцбрейм ), scientific transliteration Julij L'vovič Švarcbrejm ; (born 1920 in Kiev ; died 1996 in Moscow ) was a Russian architect .


Schwarzbrim took part in the Second World War as a soldier in the Red Army from 1941 to 1945 . After the war he studied at the Moscow Architecture Institute ( MArchI , Russian МАрхИ ), a state academy. He graduated in 1949. From 1961 to 1996 he worked as an architect. He designed and built buildings such as the House of the Soviets in Kaliningrad and the Circus in Sochi . He was also a “participant and winner of numerous competitions” (“Участник и лауреат многочисленных конкурсов”).

Since 1992 he has been a member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Art , an official academy specializing in architecture and urban planning. He was head of the Central Research and Design Institute for Residential and Public Buildings (ZNIIEP, Russian ЦНИИЭП , from 1974 Mesentsev Institute). As a working group leader he was presented with a photo in the photo book of the Mesenzew Institute.

The architectural historian Andrej Wladimirowitsch Ikonnikow counts black porridge as one of the representatives of "romantic symbolism" because of the facial effect of the facade of the House of Soviets in Kaliningrad and because of the mask reliefs that adorn the attic of the circus in Sochi.

Black porridge was inspired by the work of the Soviet architect Ivan Ilyich Leonidow (1902–1959).

Catalog raisonné

  • 1950s: The Soviet Trade Mission building in Beijing
  • 1954/1955: Congress Hall of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw
  • 1960: The Soviet pavilion at the fair in Damascus and Izmir
  • 1965: “Sochi” building in Sochi
  • 1970/2005: The " House of the Soviets " (also House of Councilors) is a 16-story high-rise that was built in the style of Le Corbusier based on designs by Schwarzbrim . The facade has a facial effect. The word facade comes from the Italian word facciata , in German face . The proportions of the face of the House of Councilors correspond to Konrad Lorenz 's childish scheme . Large forehead region, placement of facial features relatively low with large eyes, a nose and mouth. A building by Kenzo Tange , the Sogetsu Kaikan Building or Sogetsu Art Center (SAC) in Tokyo , also has the same face . Construction of the building began in 1970. Due to the concentration of state expenditure on the sports buildings in Moscow for the 1980 Summer Olympics , a five-year stop was imposed on the construction of public buildings, which is why further construction came to a standstill in 1985. The building was 72% completed in 1985. For the anniversary of the city of Kaliningrad in 2005, the building was completed and restored under Putin .
  • 1971: "Sochi Circus". For this he received the “Soviet State Prize for Architecture” in 1973. A volume was published on the occasion of the award of the state price to black porridge.
  • 1980: "Ekaterinburg Circus": The Ekaterinburg circus building was built in 1980 based on designs by the architects Schwarzbreim and M. Korobkow.


  • Markus Podehl: Architektura Kaliningrada: How Königsberg became Kaliningrad (=  materials on the art, culture and history of East Central Europe . Volume 1 ). Herder Institute, Marburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-87969-375-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Юлиан Львович Шварцбрейм (1920, Киев - 1996, Москва), архитектор. .
  2. Podehl, in footnote no. 12 on p. 263: "The architect's surname, transcribed according to the scientific transliteration, is Švarcbrejm".
  3. a b c d e biography on sovarch.ru
  4. Podehl, p. 263, p. 302.
  5. Podehl, p. 263.
  6. Podehl, p. 289.
  7. Quotation: “The study of Leonidov's floor plans in the 1932 design also shows how Julij Schwarzbreim worked towards a similar mutual correspondence of simple geometry and functionality in his designs for the circus in Sochi and for the House of Soviets in Kaliningrad. "; see. Podehl, pp. 282-283.
  8. Podehl, pp. 256–312: The central square and the House of Councilors , here p. 263
  9. Podehl, pp. 289f.
  10. Podehl, p. 296.
  11. Podehl, p. 296.
  12. Podehl, p. 263.
  13. Podehl, p. 289.
  14. Information about the circus ( memento of September 23, 2006 in the Internet Archive ), yekaterinburg.usconsulate.gov, US consulate in Yekaterinburg, accessed January 17, 2008