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The Juliane-Marien-Koog ( North Frisian : Juuljåånen-Mariienkuuch , Danish : Juliane-Marie Kog ) is a Koog in North Frisia . Today, he is part of the municipality territory of Dagebüll won and was in the years 1777/78 through the construction of a 2.16 km long dyke. Its total area covers 329 hectares of marshland .


As a result of the dike in the Kleiseerkoog , and thus the fortification of the former Hallig Dagebüll, a dike foreshore the size of the future Koog was silted in the remaining bay between the then far west of the Dagebüll peninsula and the southeastern coastal strip of Fahretoft on. This was in 1777 turned deicht .

The drainage in the newly created Koog was initially carried out together with the Kleiseerkoog via a shared sea lock in the Tondernschendeich . The Koog was by Juliane of Brunswick , the widow of the Danish King Frederick V , named.

The Juliane-Marien-Koog is one of the south-enforced Kögen. The Oktroy was issued on June 6, 1776 by Friedrich V to the main participants P. Paysen from Klockries , J. Carstensen from Lindholm and M. Tychsen from Tondern . It granted them privileges in the areas of customs, hunting and fishing, police and jurisdiction, patronage law and administration. This special status was partially maintained until September 22, 1887, when the country had already become part of the Kingdom of Prussia . Partial settlement took place from 1806 when two farms were built on low terps . The development took place until 1959 via Klei- and Grandwege.

The Tondernsche Dike lasted its life without major damage. In 1936, the sea dyke took over the function of the newly built Osewoldter Koog . This was added to the then independent municipality Juliane-Marienkoog. Between 1958 and 1960, the Koog was connected to the supra-local network infrastructure for the electricity and drinking water supply .

On January 1, 1978 the community Juliane-Marienkoog (with this spelling) was incorporated into the community Dagebüll.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart and Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 183 .


  • Otto Fischer: The water system on the Schleswig-Holstein North Sea coast. Part III: The Mainland, Volume 2: North Friesland, Berlin, 1955.
  • Harry Kunz, Albert Panten: The Köge of North Frisia. Verlag Nordfriisk Instituut , Bräist / Bredstedt, 1997, ISBN 3-88007-251-5 .

Coordinates: 54 ° 43 ′ 48.3 "  N , 8 ° 45 ′ 8.4"  E