Julius Bodenstein

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Julius Bodenstein 1876, portrait by Wilhelm Leibl

Max Julius Bodenstein (born August 4, 1847 in Berlin ; † April 16, 1932 there ) was a German landscape painter and art collector .


Max Julius Bodenstein was the son of the room and sign painter Moses Jacob Bodenstein (born February 19, 1819 in Gdansk; † May 16, 1890) and his wife Marie, née. Grünwald. Moses Jacob Bodenstein was one of the leading decorative painters in Berlin, promoted rabbinical studies and apparently made a considerable fortune.

Max Julius Bodenstein was trained from 1863 at the Berlin Art Academy , where the painters Schütze and Hermann Schnee were among his teachers. In 1866 he was one of the founders of the Association of Younger Artists Roma , from which the Corps Borussia Berlin emerged in 1873 . He specialized in atmospheric landscape paintings, which were shown in an exhibition in 1879. Bodenstein moved to Munich in 1873 . There he joined the group around Adolf Lier . From 1874 he is represented in the catalogs of the annual exhibitions of the Berlin Academy. The main motifs for his landscapes were the high Alps, the Mark Brandenburg and the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein, especially the island of Sylt . He later returned to Berlin from Munich. From 1894 to 1910 he owned the First Romanesque House in Berlin. On 6 and 7 April 1909, he left his art collection in Berlin due to financial pressures Art Auctions house of Rudolph Lepke auction.

Julius Bodenstein was divorced on September 24, 1898 from his wife Adele Bodenstein (born March 29, 1866 in Cologne, née Cahn), whom he had married on May 31, 1888 in Berlin. In 1899 he adopted Gertrud Lesser, who was born out of wedlock in 1896 and who was given the name Isolde Bodenstein when his daughter was born.


Bodenstein: Venice lagoon


Web links

Commons : Julius Bodenstein  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jacob Jacobson (Ed.): The Jewish Citizens' Books of the City of Berlin 1809-1851: With additions for the years 1791-1809 . De Gruyter 1962, ISBN 978-3-11-000448-9 , p. 415
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 3 , 2
  3. Biographical Artist Lexicon (retrobibliothek.de)
  4. without page title ( Memento from December 21, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ Charlottenburg Roland Fountain
  6. ^ Art collection Julius Bodenstein, Berlin: XVI. - XVIII. Century digital version of the auction catalog in the possession of the University of Heidelberg
  7. Isolde Bodenstein (LexM)
  8. ^ Püttner, Danzig and the most outstanding cities of the province , Danzig 1906, p. 26
  9. Thieme-Becker (1910)