Julius Lippelt

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Julius Lippelt (born December 5, 1829 in Hamburg , † August 17, 1864 in Hamburg) was a German sculptor .


"August Martin Julius Lippelt", collective grave sculptor , Ohlsdorf cemetery

Julius Lippelt joined the Hamburg gymnastics club from 1816 on October 11, 1843 .

He received his basic artistic training from the sculptor Ernst Gottfried Vivié , so that in 1847 he was able to attend the Berlin Academy of the Arts and join Ludwig Wichmann 's studio . In 1859 he was in Italy. In 1860 he took part in the competition for the Schiller monument in Hamburg . His draft was accepted. But of the four base figures he was only able to realize The Drama and The Story . He died of consumption at the age of 34 . The Schiller monument was completed by his sculptor colleague Carl Börner . Julius Lippelt was a member of the Hamburg Artists' Association from 1832 .

He was buried on August 21, 1864 in the St. Katharinen Cemetery. At the Ohlsdorf cemetery , in the area of ​​the Althamburg Memorial Cemetery near the main entrance to the cemetery, the sculptor's collective grave commemorates Julius Lippelt, among others.


Web links

Commons : Julius Lippelt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Carl Heitmann: Timeline of the history of the Hamburg gymnastics association from 1816: 1816 - 1882. Herbst, Hamburg, 1883, p. 14. ( online )