Ernst Gottfried Vivié

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Ernst Gottfried Vivié, medal 1889
The procession of the Hamburg artists' association in the Schiller pageant (behind the musicians in white costume) on November 13, 1859. On horseback in front of the procession Ernst Gottfried Vivié
Gilded figure of Saint George in the long row 39 in Hamburg-St. Georg , copy of the statuette by Ernst Gottfried Vivié
Gravestone of his father Wilhelm Daniel Vivié, made by Ernst Gottfried Vivié in 1846, Heckengarten open-air tomb museum, Ohlsdorf cemetery
"Ernst Gottfried Vivié", collective grave sculptor , Ohlsdorf cemetery

Ernst Gottfried Vivié (born May 13, 1823 in Hamburg ; † December 18, 1902 there ) was a German sculptor , Vice President of the Hamburg Citizenship , Chairman of the Patriotic Society and Honorary President of the Hamburg Trade Association .


Ernst Gottfried Vivié comes from a Huguenot family who came to Hamburg from Nimes via Holland . He was born as the son of the businessman and accountant in a bank Wilhelm Daniel Vivié († 1846) and his wife Anna Catharina, née Cords . Ernst Gottfried Vivié was trained in Otto Sigismund Runge's studio in 1836 and 1837 . He accompanied him to St. Petersburg in 1838 , where, four months later, after Runge's death, he finished seven large bas-reliefs to decorate the rebuilt Winter Palace . He then worked for August Julius Streichenberg in the Petersburg Palace for a year and three months . For this he received a silver commemorative medal. In 1840 he traveled to Munich and studied there at the Academy of Fine Arts until 1844. He also worked in the studio of his teacher Ludwig von Schwanthaler and became a member of the Munich Art Association .

On January 1, 1845, after brief stays in Dresden and Berlin, he returned to Hamburg, where he was busy with reconstruction work after the Great Fire . In addition, a group was created in plaster, faun and bacchante , of which the Munich Art Association bought the original. In 1846 his studio was at Lilienstraße 14. In 1846 he created the eight- foot- high sculpture Der Frieden , in 1847 a four-foot-high statue in marble, a girl caressing a pigeon. It was bought by Carl Heine . In the same year he created two-foot-high mugs in terracotta, the reliefs of which have the unity as a motif. From 1847 his studio was in Caffamacherreihe 25. In 1849 he worked on various wood carvings on the altar for the St. Nikolai Church . In 1850 he created a bust depicting Heinrich von Struve 's niece . He won the competition for the sculpture of the Evangelist Luke , which the Hamburg Artists' Association of 1832 , of which he was a member, donated to the Nikolaikirche. He was also a member of the Allgemeine Deutsche Kunstgenossenschaft . Other works were created, such as the sculptures by Adolf IV for the Maria Magdalenen Monastery and Charlemagne for the Hamburger Kunsthalle and a wreath bearer . From 1856, his studio and apartment were in the street Große Drehbahn 41 (today Drehbahn ). The statuette of Saint George was made from zinc around 1859 . In 1859 he also created a large bust of Friedrich Schiller for the Hamburg Artists' Association of 1832 for the Schiller pageant . He himself rode on a horse on November 13, 1859 at the head of the Hamburg Artists' Association. From 1861 his studio was in the Caffamacherreihe 32 and from May 1, 1874 he lived in ABC-Straße 6, while his studio was now at Ulricusstraße 31. From 1880 his address was Parkallee 5 and from 1886 Fruchtalle 1. From 1896 he lived at Adolfstraße 28 (today Bernstorffstraße ) and from 1898 until his death at Mundsburger Damm 67.

Ernst Gottfried Vivié was also a drawing teacher and teacher in the modeling class of the Patriotic Society's trade school , which was located in the building of the Museum of Art and Trade and was the forerunner of today's Hamburg University of Fine Arts . He was also a member of the society and from 1864 to 1866 its first chairman and its proponent secretary. From 1859 to 1893 he was a member of the Hamburg Parliament (parliamentary group of the Left) and, among other things, its 2nd Vice President from 1882 to 1890. He was also a founder and honorary president of the Hamburg Trade Association . He was also a member of the Commisson of the Museum of Arts and Crafts.

On the painting Artistic Entertainment from 1849 made with oil on oak by Günther Gensler , Ernst Gottfried Vivié was depicted together with Theodor Bülau and Franz Bernhard Schiller . Vivié acquired the painting and donated it to the Museum of Arts and Crafts in 1872.

In the Ohlsdorf cemetery , in the area of ​​the Althamburg Memorial Cemetery near the main entrance to the cemetery, the sculptor's collective grave commemorates Ernst Gottfried Vivié, among others.


Ernst Gottfried Vivié and his wife Auguste, née Donauer , had their son Wilhelm Daniel Vivié (1849–1919), who was an architect and building officer at the building police. As a child he had Hermann Steinfurth portray him.


Exhibitions (selection)

Works (selection)

  • 1838 and 1839: Seven large bas-reliefs for the decoration of the rebuilt Winter Palace in St. Petersburg
  • Group of figures: 1845 Faun and Bacchante Original from - in plaster Kunstverein München purchased
  • 1846: Sculpture The Peace - 8 feet (243.84 cm)
  • 1846: Gravestone of father Wilhelm Daniel Vivié, Heckengarten open-air tomb museum, Ohlsdorf cemetery
  • 1847: Sculpture Girl Caressing a Pigeon in Marble - 4 feet (121.92 cm) - Purchased from Carl Heine
  • 1847: Beaker in terracotta, the reliefs of which have the unity as a motif - 2 feet (60.96 cm)
  • 1849: Wood carving on the altar for the St. Nikolai Church
  • 1850: bust depicting Heinrich von Struve 's niece
  • 1855 or before: Statue of Friedrich Schiller
  • 1857 or before: Design and models of the three dwarfs of the bronze-cast base of the St. Luke's Cup . The dwarfs symbolize the three arts of painting, sculpture and architecture.
  • 1859: Large bust of Friedrich Schiller for the parade of the Hamburg Artists' Association of 1832 of the Schiller pageant in 1859
  • Around 1859: Statuette of Saint George made of zinc. Because of the acid sensitivity of zinc (car exhaust fumes), the original was found on the facade of the house at Lange Reihe 39 in Hamburg-St. Georg replaced with a copy and the original was placed on a pedestal in the house entrance.
  • 18 ??: Wood carving on the pulpit of the St. Nikolai Church
  • 18 ??: Statue of the Apostle Peter for the St. Nicholas Church
  • 18 ??: Statue of the Evangelist Luke for St. Nicholas Church
  • 18 ??: wreath bearer
  • 18 ??: Statue of Adolf IV for the Maria Magdalenen monastery
  • 18 ??: Statue of Charlemagne for the Hamburger Kunsthalle
  • 18 ??: White Christ on the cross . At the request of the community, Vivié had to put on a crown of thorns. - Church of St. Dionys and St. Jakobus in Lütau


Web links

Commons : Ernst Gottfried Vivié  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Proof of descent from Ernst Gottfried Vivié
  2. Proof of the names of the parents
  3. ^ Membership list of the Munich Art Association
  4. ^ Hamburg address book from 1846
  5. ^ List of members of the General German Art Cooperative
  6. Ernst Gottfried Vivié in the Hamburgischer Künstler-Lexikon , edited by the Association for Hamburg History , Hoffmann and Campe 1854
  7. Ernst Gottfried Vivié in the General Artist Lexicon , Volume 5, by Hermann Alexander Müller , Hans Wolfgang Singer (editor), Rütten & Loening 1921
  8. Ernst Gottfried Vivié in the German Biographical Encyclopedia
  9. ^ Proof of the Patriotic Society in the journal of the Association for Hamburg History, Volume 92
  10. Proof of proponent secretary in Gaining the Future from the Present: The History of the Patriotic Society of 1765
  11. ^ Proof of Hamburg citizenship in the planning and financing of the Speicherstadt in Hamburg
  12. ^ Reference to the Left Party in the catalog of the German National Library
  13. ^ Evidence of founders in Hanseatic trade exhibitions in the 19th century
  14. Proof of Honorary President  in the German Digital Library
  15. Commission of the Museum of Art and Industry in the annual reports of the Hamburg Scientific Institutions 1893
  16. ^ Information on the painting Artistic entertainment in Die Gensler, three Hamburg painters brothers of the 19th century
  17. Mention of the donation in High Art between Biedermeier and Art Nouveau: Historicism in Hamburg and Northern Germany , 1977
  18. Proof: Building officer son Wilhelm Daniel  in the German digital library
  19. Proof ( memento of October 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) about the participants in the exhibition, PDF file of the Kunstverein
  20. Mention of the statue by Schiller in the Allgemeine Zeitung of August 4, 1855, which reports on a performance in a Hamburg theater.
  21. The Hamburger Künstlerverein and its cup in: Friedrich Eggers (Ed.): Deutsches Kunstblatt , March 1858, p. 75 (picture) and 76
  22. Page 8 of the PDF file from the St. Georg Citizens' Association