Otto Sigismund Runge

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Portrait of Otto Sigismund Runge by Julius Oldach , around 1829
Repsold bust by Otto Sigismund Runge

Otto Sigismund Runge (born April 30, 1806 in Hamburg , † March 16, 1839 in Saint Petersburg ) was a German sculptor .


Otto Sigismund was the eldest son of the painter Philipp Otto Runge . After the early death of his father, he lived with his uncle Daniel Runge's family in Hamburg. In 1819 he came to his mother in Dresden, where he began to be interested in the fine arts. With the help of private donations from Hamburg, Runge was able to study sculpture under Christian Friedrich Tieck at the Prussian Academy of the Arts in Berlin . He continued his studies in Munich and went to Rome in 1827 , where he continued his education with Thorvaldsen for two years .

Returning to Hamburg, Runge created several portrait busts, including a. by Johann Georg Repsold , Ernst von Houwald and Mozart . He created a series of bas-reliefs for the house of the Hamburg merchant Gottlieb Jenisch . In 1832 he was a founding member of the Hamburg Artists' Association .

At the end of 1838, Runge traveled to St. Petersburg with his student Ernst Gottfried Vivié to help rebuild the burned down Winter Palace . Here he took on sculpting work in the Empress's apartments. Shortly before the work was completed, Runge died of a heated nervous fever . He left his young wife with a small son in Hamburg.

Exhibitions (selection)


Web links

Commons : Otto Sigismund Runge  - Collection of images, videos and audio files