Julius Vahlteich

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Julius Vahlteich. Photography by Rich. Müller.

Carl Julius Vahlteich (born December 30, 1839 in Leipzig , † February 26, 1915 in Chicago , USA ) was a social democratic politician.


Vahlteich was the son of a master shoemaker and attended the Ratsfreischule in Leipzig until 1853 . He then did training in his father's profession and then went hiking in Germany. From 1861 to 1863 he worked as an independent master shoemaker in Leipzig. He had been a member of a workers ' education association since 1861 and co-founder of the forward workers' association in 1862 . In 1862, alongside Friedrich Wilhelm Fritzsche, he was chairman of the central committee for the preparation of a general German workers' day . He was a co-signer of a letter to Ferdinand Lassalle in which he was asked to take on a leadership role in the labor movement. From this initiative, the ADAV was founded and one of its founding members was Vahlteich, who also became the secretary of the association's central board in Berlin. On January 12, 1864, he resigned from his office and criticized the "dictatorial position" of Lassalle. After his resignation, Vahlteich worked again as a shoemaker and was also an authorized representative of the ADAV in Dresden. However, he was already excluded from the ADAV in December 1864. In 1866 he joined the International Workers' Association of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and was its director in Dresden. From 1867 to 1869 he was also chairman of the workers' education association in Dresden. In 1869 Vahlteich was a co-founder of the SDAP in Eisenach and in the following years a leading party functionary in the Kingdom of Saxony . In the years 1874 to 1877, Vahlteich was elected to the Reichstag for the first time for a Saxon constituency . This was followed by another mandate in the years 1878 to 1881. In the 1970s he was also an editor and employee of various social democratic newspapers. This resulted in a total of 22 months in prison for press offenses in 1871 and 1877. From 1873 to 1875 he also worked as a paid agitator for the SDAP. He was also a member of the commission for the preparation of the Gotha program , and in 1875 and 1876 a member of the central party committee of the SDAP. As a result of the Socialist Law , Vahlteich emigrated to the USA in 1881. There he worked first as a shoemaker, later as a photographer and from 1906 as editor of the New Yorker Volkszeitung and then of the Arbeiter-Zeitung in Chicago.


  • The Declamator. Poetry collection. Compiled by Julius Vahlteich. Rübner, Chemnitz 1874.
  • The party struggle between the socialists in Germany. Schubert, Chemnitz 1880 digitized .
  • A contribution to the solution of the social question. Lecture given to the Chicago gymnastics community. Self-published, Chicago 1888.
  • The socialists in the United States of North America. In: The new time . Weekly of the German Social Democracy. 19.1900-1901, Volume 2 (1901), Issue 36, pp. 292-299. Digitized .
  • The American Socialist Unification Congress in Indianapolis. In: The new time. Weekly of the German Social Democracy. 19.1900-1901, Volume 2 (1901), Issue 47, pp. 663-666. Digitized .
  • The Negro Question in America. In: The new time. Weekly of the German Social Democracy. 20.1901-1902, Volume 2 (1902), Issue 8 = 34, pp. 229-240. Digitized .
  • The Leipzig Central Committee and Ferdinand Lassalle. In: The foundation of the German social democracy. A commemorative publication by the Leipzig workers on May 23, 1903. Leipziger Buchdruckerei, Leipzig 1903, pp. 15–21.
  • Ferdinand Lassalle and the beginnings of the German labor movement. Birk, Munich 1904.
  • Reply. Birk, Munich 1904, ISBN 3-628-00196-X .
  • Ferdinand Lassalle and the beginnings of the German labor movement. With a review by Franz Mehring from the "Neue Zeit". Edited by Toni Offermann. JHW Dietz Nachf., Berlin 1978, ISBN 3-8012-2083-4 (reprints on social history).


  • Frank Harreck-Haase: Vahlteich - The Julius Vahlteich Biography , Chemnitz 2020, ISBN 978-3-00-065830-3 .
  • Wilhelm Blos : Memories of Julius Vahlteich . In: Volksstimme , Chemnitz 1915.
    • Wilhelm Blos: Memories of Julius Vahlteich . In: Silesian Mountain Rescue from March 28, 1915.
    • Wilhelm Blos: Memories of Julius Vahlteich . In: Dresdner Volkszeitung from March 27, 1915
  • Ernst Drahn : An appeal by Julius Vahlteich from 1863. In: Archives for the history of socialism and the workers' movement . 10th year 1922, pp. 392-397. Digitized FES
  • Julius Vahlteich . In: Franz Osterroth : Biographical Lexicon of Socialism. Volume I. Deceased personalities . JHW Dietz Nachf., Hannover 1960, pp. 315-316.
  • M. Casper: literature compilation [by and about Julius Vahlteich]. German State Library, Berlin 1963.
  • Rudolf Bercht: Julius Vahlteich, the founder of the Dresden section of the I. International. In: Sächsische Heimatblätter. 12 (1966), pp. 541-548.
  • Heinz Hümmler: Vahlteich, Carl Julius. In: History of the German labor movement Biographisches Lexikon . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1970, pp. 464-466.
  • Franz Osterroth and Dieter Schuster: Chronicle of the German Social Democracy. Volume 1: Until the end of the First World War. JHW Dietz Verlag Nachf., Bonn and Berlin 1975, p. 25.
  • Hans Jürgen Friederici : Supporters of Bebel and Liebknecht, Julius Vahlteich. In: Contributions to the history of the labor movement. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 22nd year 1980, issue 6, pp. 906-913, ISSN  0005-8068 .
  • Wilhelm Heinz Schröder : Social Democratic Parliamentarians in the German Reich and Landtag 1867-1933. Biographies, chronicles, election documentation. A handbook (= handbooks on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 7). Droste, Düsseldorf 1995, ISBN 3-7700-5192-0 , pp. 779-780.
  • Roswitha Borrmann: Carl Julius Vahlteich in Dresden. For the 150th birthday of the co-founder of the ADAV and the "Eisenach Party". In: Yearbook on the history of Dresden. 1989, pp. 43-48.

See also

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