Julius von Gundelfinger

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Julius von Gundelfinger , also Gyula Gundelfinger or László Gyulaházy (born April 28, 1833 in Krompach , Zips , countries of the Hungarian Crown ; † May 4, 1894 in Szentmihály , Sáros County , Kingdom of Hungary , Austria-Hungary ), was a Carpathian German - Hungarian Landscape painter from the Düsseldorf School .


Landscape near Szinyei-Lipócz , 1873

Gundelfinger, the eldest of three children of the landowner and factory owner József Gundelfinger (1813–1838) and his wife Matild Szinyei Merse (1811–1889), practiced drawing at a young age. After the early death of his father, his mother married Count István Tamás Szirmay (1792–1857). At his instigation, Gundelfinger first embarked on a military career in the Austro-Hungarian hussar regiment "Friedrich Leopold of Prussia" No. 2 , which he finished in 1855 with the rank of lieutenant. Against his mother's wishes, he then decided to become a painter and briefly took private lessons with Carl Rahl in Vienna . In 1856 he went to Düsseldorf , where he was a private student of Carl Friedrich Lessing until 1859 , whose line Gundelfinger's landscape painting influenced until the 1870s. In 1858 his mother urged him to take over the management of the family property. He regularly exhibited his paintings, especially romantic landscapes, often with castles, in Budapest .

Gundelfinger was the cousin of the Hungarian painter Pál Szinyei Merse . With him he went on excursions to the Munich area in the 1870s. During this time Gundelfinger lived in Munich and had a studio there.

After all, he lived on his Krompacher family estate, where he was involved in inheritance disputes, in the course of which he shot his opponent in a pistol duel in 1881. For this act he served a one-year prison term in Waitzen State Prison .


  • Gundelfinger, Julius von . In: Ulrich Thieme , Fred. C. Willis (Ed.): General lexicon of visual artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 15 : Gresse – Hanselmann . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1922, p. 341 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  • Gundelfinger, Julius von (Gundelfinger, Gyula) . In: General Artist Lexicon. Bio-bibliographical Index A-Z . KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2000, Volume 4, p. 454.
  • Anna Szinyei Merse: Gyula Gundelfinger, egy elfelejtett magyar tájfestő (1833–1894) - Gyula Gundelfinger, a forgotten Hungarian landscape painter (1833–1894) . In: Művészettörténeti Értesítő , XXXIV, 1985, volume 1/2, pp. 32–47.
  • Divald Kornél: Gundelfinger Gyula Festőművész . In: Művészet . Volume V (1906), pp. 232-242 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Military schematism of the Austrian Empire . Vienna 1851, p. 406 ( Google Books )
  2. Bettina Baumgärtel , Sabine Schroyen, Lydia Immerheiser, Sabine Teichgröb: Directory of foreign artists. Nationality, residence and studies in Düsseldorf . In: Bettina Baumgärtel (Hrsg.): The Düsseldorf School of Painting and its international impact 1819–1918 . Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86568-702-9 , Volume 1, p. 431