Justo Abaunza y Muñoz de Avilés

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Justo Abaunza y Muñoz de Avilés (* 1777 ; † 1873 ) was Director Supremo of Nicaragua from April 1 to May 5, 1851 and from August 4 to November 11, 1851 .


In 1776 the administrative districts of Nicaragua were according to the reform of Charles III. redistributed. The area of ​​what is now Nicaragua was divided into five administrative districts: León, Matagalpa, El Realejo, Sutiaba and Nicoya. Sergeant Abaunza was the deputy governor of Nicoya. On July 13, 1804, Justo Abaunza y Muñoz de Avilés became a delegate of the Sutiaba department , while the governor of the province was his opponent. The historian José Dolores Gámez Guzmán mentions Justo Abaunza y Muñoz de Avilés together with Fulgencio Vega in the government of Silvestre Selva Sacasa (from December 13, 1844 to April 4, 1845) during the Guerra de Malespín .

Abaunza and Vega gave the financing loan for 1,000 muskets , 200 barrels of gunpowder and 200 quintals of lead, 12,000 flints and 200 rifles that arrived in the port of El Realejo.

On July 20, 1845, Abaunza, as Prefect of Leon, welcomed the Director Supremo José María Guerrero de Arcos y Molina , who moved the capital from Managua to Leon.

In mid-July 1849 Abaunza was Auditor de Guerra (Military Prosecutor) in San Jorge . As Auditor de Guerra , he made the plea against Bernabé Somoza .

Abaunza was a member of parliament. At the end of his tenure on April 1, 1851, Norberto Ramírez Áreas handed over his office to Abaunza, as his elected successor José Laureano Pineda Ugarte had not taken office until May 5, 1851. On August 4, 1851, Laureano Pineda and his cabinet had fled to Honduras because of a military coup by General José Trinidad Muñoz Fernández , José María Guerrero de Arcos y Molina and Pablo Sánchez de Buitrago y Benavente . The Cabildo of Leon with members of parliament ordered Abaunza the Director Supremo . Francisco Castellón attributes these events to the intrigues of José Jorge Viteri y Ungo . José Dolores Gámez characterizes Abaunza as well known, of good repute, but of a simple openness that was easily accessible to fraud. During this time, three people claimed the position of Director Supremo for themselves: Pineda in exile in Honduras, José de Montenegro in Granada (Nicaragua) and Abaunza in Leon. Laureano Pineda returned from Honduras on November 11, 1851 with military support from Juan Nepomuceno Fernández Lindo y Zelaya . Pineda threatened to attack Leon with troops, including those of Fruto Chamorro Pérez , whereupon Leon capitulated. During the surrender negotiations it was achieved that Abaunza was locked into an amnesty, but he was subject to the mercy of the resolution of the parliament, since Justo enjoyed immunity as a member of parliament . The corresponding parliamentary decision on Abaunza has not survived, but it can be assumed that he was taken to El Salvador, where he had friends. Norberto Ramírez Areas, who was born in León, was elected Director Supremo in El Salvador to end the term of office of Antonio Cañas, who had resigned. Abaunza may have made friends with José María Silva (* 1804, † 1876), who was in Chinandega as a representative for El Salvador at a Central American meeting on January 9, 1851. According to the resolution of February 4, 1885, Abaunza and Silva were to edit a Central American private law and reform the criminal law of El Salvador. Silva was from October 14, 1834 to March 2, 1835 and February 16, 1840 to April 5, 1840 Supremo Director of the Province of El Salvador. The elderly Abaunza reported his public life in Nicaragua to José Dolores Gámez Guzmán in October 1872 in San Miguel (El Salvador) . Abaunza was one of the ancestors of Lila Abaunza as well as those of her husband Enrique Bolaños Geyer .

Individual evidence

  1. Nicarauga Ministry of Education Fulgencio Vega ( Memento of 19 June 2009 at the Internet Archive )
  2. en: San Jorge, Rivas
  3. ^ List of heads of state in the province of El Salvador
  4. José Dolores Gámez, MEMORIA de relaciones exteriores , Companía tipográfica internacional, Managua 1907.
predecessor Office successor
Norberto Ramírez Áreas Director Supremo of Nicaragua
April 1 to May 5, 1851
José Laureano Pineda Ugarte
José Laureano Pineda Ugarte Director Supremo of Nicaragua
August 4 to November 11, 1851
José Laureano Pineda Ugarte