Justyna Polanska

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Holger Schlageter

Justyna Polanska is the pseudonym of the German non-fiction author's Holger Schlageter . Under this pseudonym, the author published the bestseller Unter German Beds, where he describes Justyna Polanska's experiences, which are based on the stories of the real cleaning staff from Poland. Justyna Polanska is a Polish cleaning lady from the Rhine-Main area ,


Justyna Polanska is 32 years old and comes from Poland. To earn money to train as a make-up artist , she went to Germany and has worked as a cleaning lady ever since . She may also clean your apartment . ”Blurb: Droemer Knaur Verlagsgruppe.

According to Holger Schlageter's event, Justyna Polanska came to Offenbach am Main on a coach from Breslau in October 1989 to raise funds for further training as a make-up artist, and worked for 10 months as an au pair in the household of “Gargamel”. Then she worked in a bistro and a cleaning company " for 15 DM at the time ", then she found her own cleaning jobs and was also employed as a babysitter and household manager. She lived first with Adem from Albania, then with Marek from Poland. Then she met Marco with an Italian migrant background and married in a white wedding dress “ richly decorated, but not kitschy. Corset with Glass Beads and Bell Skirt ”for 700 euros in May 2009 in Offenbach and one month later they celebrated the wedding party in the Toscana restaurant in Poland. After a few years of dirty work " for ten euros per hour plus fare " she bought an Opel Tigra .

Media presence

The Polish woman, on whose experiences the book is based, appeared in disguise as Justyna Polanska in several interviews and in a short film (ZDFmediathek) because she wanted to remain anonymous. Due to the media presence of the book all over Europe, topics such as illegal work , mini jobs , minimum wages and household employment were also discussed in this country.

The book Under German Beds - A Polish cleaning lady unpacks was on the bestseller list of the magazine Der Spiegel in 2011 .

In 2012, a translation of the book arrived as a print medium and as a compact disc in Polish bookshops - when the translation was published, the cleaning assistants who work in Polish households from western Ukraine complained about the same situation and similar conditions. The subject is also offered in Poland as a theater impression.

The film rights were acquired by the actress and film producer Veronica Ferres with her film production company Construction Filmproduktion . The shooting took place in Munich and was completed in September 2016. On September 12th, the film Under German Beds celebrated its world premiere in the Mathäser Filmpalast in Munich in the presence of all participants. The official release date is October 5, 2017.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.droemer-knaur.de/autoren/7064471/justyna-polanska
  2. http://www.perlentaucher.de/autor/justyna-polanska.html
  3. http://www.droemer-knaur.de/magazin/Interview+mit+Justyna+Polanska.7768667.html
  4. Claudia Fromme: Close your eyes and wipe. In: sueddeutsche.de . January 9, 2011, accessed October 13, 2018 .
  5. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/polish-cleaner-blows-the-lid-on-dirty-germans-2181131.html
  6. http://www.blitzquotidiano.it/cronaca-europa/polonia-colf-domestica-letto-tedeschi-708973/
  7. http://www.teatralnebilety.pl/index.php/event/pod-niemieckimi-lozkami/878/131/812
  8. http://polonusgermanus.de/cgi-bin/weblog_basic/index.php?p=901
  9. http://www.bz-berlin.de/archiv/ab-jetzt-schreiben-sie-sich-ihre-rolle-selbst-article1379473.html
  10. Josef Grübl: Wipe and away. In: sueddeutsche.de . September 16, 2016, accessed October 13, 2018 .
  11. http://www.droemer-knaur.de/ebooks/7757544/unter-deutschen- Betten
  12. http://www.droemer-knaur.de/ebooks/Nicht+ganz+sauber.7776843.html