Drispeth artists' colony

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The Drispeth artists' colony was founded in Mecklenburg in the 1970s in the 800-year-old municipality of Zickhusen in the Drispeth district on the edge of a nature reserve .

Initially, the Greek author Thomas Nicolaou lived in Drispeth, who wished to gather other authors around him. Painters also settled in the Mecklenburg countryside. They moved into vacant houses and lived a simple life beyond social control.

Christa and Gerhard Wolf, Helga Schubert, Johannes Helm, Joachim Seyppel, Werner Lindemann, Daniela Dahn and Joochen Laabs settled in the area around the villages of Drispeth and Dambeck near Schwerin . Klaus B. Schröder, Wolf Spillner, Detlef Kempgens and Thomas Nicolaou have been based there for years. The artists and intellectuals were curiously looked at by the residents and observed by the Ministry of State Security . Most of the artists moved away, others died.

Christa Wolf, who lived with her husband in Neu Meteln from 1975 until the house fire in 1983 , wrote down her memories of life in the colony in her book “ Sommerstück ”.


The following artists lived in Drispeth:

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