KHL Junior Draft

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International version of the KHL logo

The KHL Junior Draft was an event of the Continental Hockey League (KHL), at which the teams were able to acquire the rights to available amateur and youth players based on the model of the NHL Entry Draft ( to draft = convene, move in). It was introduced in 2009 and abolished in 2017. The main point of criticism was that the draft eliminated the incentive to continue training junior players at the highest level, since the most successful junior programs in the country (in contrast to the system in North America) are maintained by the KHL teams themselves.


The order of the draft corresponded to the reverse table of the previous season. Teams newly admitted to the league were allowed to vote last. The first event in 2009 held a total of four rounds. The participating teams were allowed to choose all players between the ages of 17 and 21 who had not been protected by other teams at the time of the event or were already under contract with another KHL team. Graduates from schools that do not cooperate with a KHL team could be selected, as well as graduates from schools that cooperate with a KHL team but were not part of a junior team of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation . The other teams were allowed to "protect" 15 players who could not be selected in the draft.


year place Top pick team chosen players
2009 RussiaRussia Moscow RussiaRussia Mikhail Paschnin HK CSKA Moscow 91
2010 RussiaRussia Moscow Czech RepublicCzech Republic Dmitrij Jaškin HK Sibir Novosibirsk 188
2011 RussiaRussia Mytishchi RussiaRussia Anton Slepyschew HK Metallurg Magnitogorsk 134
2012 RussiaRussia Chelyabinsk RussiaRussia Denis Alexandrov SKA Saint Petersburg 166
2013 UkraineUkraine Donetsk RussiaRussia Dmitry Osipov Amur Khabarovsk 174
2014 RussiaRussia St. Petersburg RussiaRussia Kirill Kaprisow Metallurg Novokuznetsk 208
2015 RussiaRussia Moscow RussiaRussia Artyom Malzew HK Sochi 133
2016 RussiaRussia Moscow RussiaRussia Wenijamin Baranov Admiral Vladivostok 147

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. КХЛ не будет проводить драфт, начиная с этого года: КХЛ не будет проводить дра & #. In: April 26, 2017. Retrieved May 16, 2018 (Russian).