Branco cabinet

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The Branco cabinet was the 13th government of São Tomé and Príncipes , in Portuguese the XIII Governo Constitucional de São Tomé e Príncipe . The government of the African island state São Tomé and Príncipe was formed by Prime Minister Joaquim Rafael Branco on June 22, 2008 after the previous ADI - MDFM - PCD coalition under Prime Minister Patrice Trovoada and his PCD – MDFM cabinet broke up during a vote of no confidence on May 20.

The electoral alliance MDFM - PCD agreed with the MLSTP-PSD on a grand coalition led by Branco.

Distribution of seats in the Assembleia Nacional 2008
Ruling coalition Mandates

When the incumbent President de Menezes was elected party chairman by his party MDFM at an extraordinary party congress in December 2009 , a dispute arose between him and Prime Minister Branco (MLSTP-PSD) as to whether this accumulation of offices was compatible with the constitution. As a consequence, the four MDFM ministers left the government, so that the Branco cabinet was sworn in in a slightly different form in January 2010.

Distribution of seats in the Assembleia Nacional 2010
Ruling coalition Mandates

The Cabinet consisted of the following ministers:

XII Governo Constitucional de São Tomé e Príncipe
Political party Office Official
MLSTP prime minister Joaquim Rafael Branco
MLSTP Foreign minister Carlos Tiny
MLSTP Minister of Defense Elsa Pinto
MLSTP Ministry of Culture Jorge Bom Jesus
PCD Minister of Health
MDFM Minister of the Interior
MDFM Minister for Labor, Solidarity and Family
MDFM Minister for Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment
MLSTP Minister of Finance Ângela Viegas
MDFM Minister of Justice, Public Administration, State Reform and Parliamentary Affairs
PCD Minister of Public Works, Infrastructure, Transport and Communications
PCD Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development
PCD Minister for Social Communication, Youth and Sport
MLSTP Minister for Trade, Industry and Tourism Celestino Andrade

See also


  • Gerhard Seibert: Africa South of the Sahara 2018 . In: Europa Publications (Ed.): Africa South of the Sahara . Europa Regional Surveys of the World. tape 47 . Routledge , London 2017, ISBN 978-1-85743-875-8 , pp. 986 ff .