Trovoada II cabinet

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The Trovoada II cabinet is the 14th São Tomé and Príncipes government , in Portuguese the XIV Governo Constitucional de São Tomé e Príncipe . It is the second government of the African island state São Tomé and Príncipe formed under Prime Minister Patrice Trovoada after the previous coalition of MLSTP - PCD and MDFM suffered heavy losses in the 2010 parliamentary elections and could not agree on a continuation of the coalition.

Trovoada formed an ADI minority government appointed on August 13 and sworn in on August 14. In this second Trovoada's cabinet were some independents, such as the non-party diplomat Manuel Salvador dos Ramos as foreign minister.

Distribution of seats in the Assembleia Nacional 2010
Ruling coalition Mandates

After a first vote of no confidence in July 2012 because of formal errors by Evaristo Carvalho as President of the Assembleia Nacional was rejected, he resigned from his post in a second vote of no confidence on November 21, 2012, so that only after the election of a new President of the Assembleia Nacional No confidence vote on November 28, 2012, which overthrew the ADI minority government.

On December 4, Trovoada and his cabinet were removed from office by President Manuel Pinto da Costa , and former Prime Minister Gabriel Arcanjo da Costa was entrusted with the task of forming a new government that brought together the entire opposition in his new cabinet .

The Cabinet consisted of the following ministers:

XIV Governo Constitucional de São Tomé e Príncipe
Political party Office Official
ADI prime minister Patrice Trovoada
ADI ? Minister of Defense and Internal Order Carlos Olímpio Stock
ADI ? Minister of Education Abnildo d'Oliveira
Independent Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Manuel Salvador dos Ramos
ADI Minister for Health and Social Affairs Angela dos Santos José da Costa Pinheiro
ADI ? Minister of Justice and State Reforms Elísio Teixeira
ADI ? Minister for Parliamentary Affairs and Decentralization Arlindo Ramos
ADI ? Minister of Public Works and Natural Resources Carlos Vila Nova
ADI ? Minister of Finance Américo dos Ramos
ADI ? Minister for Planning and Development Agostinho Quaresma dos Santos Fernandes

See also


  • Gerhard Seibert: Africa South of the Sahara 2018 . In: Europa Publications (Ed.): Africa South of the Sahara . Europa Regional Surveys of the World. tape 47 . Routledge , London 2017, ISBN 978-1-85743-875-8 , pp. 986 ff .