Camera office Gmünd

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The Kameralamt Gmünd was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg , which administered property and income of the state in the administrative district. It existed in Schwäbisch Gmünd from 1806 to 1922 . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.


According to the decree of July 7, 1807, the Gmünd camera office was assigned the patrimonial offices of Holz- Alfdorf , von Rechberg in Hohen-Rechberg , von Beroldingen in Horn , von Wöllwarth in Lautern and von Lang in Leinzell to collect income . By ordinance of June 6, 1819, the forest district of Röthenbach of the Aalen forest office was assigned to the Gmünd camera office . According to an order of November 15, 1827, the hamlet of Holzhausen was handed over from the Gmünd camera office to the Gaildorf camera office.

According to an order of March 20, 1838, the Gmünd camera office took over:

The parcels of Pfersbach , Waldau , Wetzgau and Wuestenrieth of the community of Großdeinbach were assigned to the Lorch camera office .

By order of January 18, 1870, the secondary customs office in Gmünd was merged with the camera office and from then on it was known as the camera and main tax office in Gmünd.


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