Aalen camera office

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The Aalen camera office was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg that administered state property and income in the administrative district. It existed in Aalen from 1806 to 1922 . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg. It was located in Unterkochen from 1843 to 1877 .


The communities of Adelmannsfelden (with castle property) and Pommertsweiler originally belonged to the Ellwangen camera office . Since 1840 the Kameralamtsgebiet coincided with the Oberamtsgebiet Aalen .

According to the decree of July 14, 1807, the patrimonial offices of Wöllwarth in Essingen , Fachsenfeld and Laubach , Count of Adelmannsfelden in Hohenstadt and of Gemmingen and Werneck in Neubronn were assigned to the Aalen camera office.

According to the ordinance of June 6, 1819, the Aalen camera office had ceded the following to the Ellwangen camera office: Hohenbach, Schultheisserei Adelmannsfelden (Oberamt Aalen) as well as the gradient previously obtained from the Aalen camera office in the hamlet of Hinterbüchelberg belonging to the Adelmannsfelden mayor.

According to the order of the Minister of Finance of March 20, 1838, the Brackwang parcel of the Iggingen community was assigned to the Gmünd Cameral Office .

Furthermore, in accordance with a ruling by the Ministry of Finance of February 15, 1840, the Niederalfingen manor (former owner Graf von Fugger- Nordendorf) acquired by the state was incorporated into the camera office, thus making the camera office district equal to the district of Aalen. As a result, the camera office was assigned:

In contrast, the town of Ebnat , located in the Neresheim administrative district , with the Diepertsbuch and Niesitz parcels was ceded to the Kapfenburg camera office .

The Regulation of 6 March 1843, the Kameralamt took Unterkochen from Kameralamt Heidenheim the forest district Zang . The municipality of Jagsthausen with five parcels assigned to the Oberamt Ellwangen ceded it to the Kameralamt Kapfenburg .


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