Kameralamt Ehingen

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The Kameralamt Ehingen was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg , which administered property and income of the state in the administrative district. It existed in Ehingen from 1806 to 1922 . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.


By the rulings of July 7 and 14, 1807, the Princely von Taxis offices of Bremelau, Öpfingen and Frankenhofen, the Graflich Schenk von Castell offices Berg and Oberdischingen, the Graflich von Stadion offices Emerkingen and the von Rassler offices Sche Amt Gamerschwang was assigned to the Kameralamt Ehingen.

In the years 1807 to 1809, the Ehingen camera office was given various gradients in the formerly Austrian parts of the country, the Salmannsweiler monastery and the Ursprunging camera administration.

In 1811 the Kameralamt Ehingen received the slopes of Bühl, Grundsheim, Ober- and Unter-Stadion from the Kameralamt Uttenweiler , which was dissolved in 1810 .

When the camera offices were reorganized on June 6, 1819, the Ehingen camera office ceded the towns of Hausen ob Munderkingen, Ober- and Unter-Wachingen to the Zwiefalten camera office and received the Risstissen location from the Wiblingen camera office . The accounting of the Ennahofen , Ringingen (Blaubeuren forestry) and Kirchen (Zwiefalten forestry) districts, which had previously been the responsibility of the forest treasury offices, which were dissolved in 1819, was also transferred to the Ehingen camera office.

In accordance with the ordinance of May 3, 1828, the Ehingen camera office was assigned the locations of the Ehingen Oberamt that had previously been assigned to the Ochsenhausen (Biberach) camera office and ceded the Volkersheim location belonging to the Biberach regional office to the Ochsenhausen (Biberach) camera office.

On July 1, 1837, the places Granheim, Kirchen, Lauterach (with the four parcels Laufenmühle , Neuburg , Reichenstein and Talheim ), Obermarchtal (with the four parcels Datthausen , Gütelhofen , Lupphofen and Mittenhausen ), Rechtenstein (with Brühlhof) and Untermarchtal were included of the state domain Mochental from the Zwiefalten camera office to the Ehingen camera office. So that Kameralamt Ehingen completely covered the District of Oberamts Ehingen .

On the basis of the order of March 6, 1843, the Ehingen camera office ceded the town of Alberweiler with Grafenwald, which had been ceded by the Ehingen district office to the Biberach district office, to the Ochsenhausen (Biberach) camera office.

See also


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