Battle of the Nibelungs

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The Kampf der Nibelungen (KdN), formerly also the Ring der Nibelungen , is the largest martial arts event of the right-wing extremist scene in Germany and Europe. It has been held annually since 2013 (with the exception of 2019).


The event was organized for the first time in 2013, at that time still in a conspiratorial framework, which the event maintained until 2018. The first two events took place in Vettelschoss ( Rhineland-Palatinate ). In 2015 the KdN was held in Hamm and in 2016 in Gemünden . In 2017 in Kirchhundem , 500 spectators and fighters attended the event.

In 2018 the event took place twice, on the one hand at the Shield and Sword Festival in Ostritz , Saxony , on the other hand the event was officially registered for the first time and took place again in October 2018. Both times the venue was the Hotel Neisseblick of the former NPD member Hans-Peter Fischer. With 850 people from all over Germany as well as France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Ukraine, the martial arts tournament received a new visitor record.

In June 2019, the martial arts event was supposed to take place again as part of the Shield and Sword Festival, but was canceled due to an insufficient number of participants.

In October 2019, Ostritz was declared as the venue, whereupon the city imposed a ban. The reason given by the city of Ostritz was that the event had "no sporting character", but served "right-wing extremist combat skills and thus the preparation of a political fight". An urgent application submitted by the organizers was rejected by the Dresden Administrative Court . The judgment was confirmed by the Saxon Higher Administrative Court .

Organization and ideology

Organizer of the extreme right martial arts event, according to the website of the Dortmund right-wing extremist Alexander Deptolla , a board member of the Dortmund District Association of Minor party 's rights . One of the co-organizers in 2018 was the Russian right-wing extremist Denis Kapustin from the martial arts brand White Rex . The neo-Nazi Robin Schmiemann from Combat 18 is another employee of the organization . The sponsors of the martial arts events are right-wing clothing brands such as Raptor Wear, Sport frei from category C , Black Legion and Pride France.

According to the information in their statutes and on their website, the fight of the Nibelungs rejects the free-democratic basic order . The statutes exclude so-called “culturally foreigners” both as participants and as spectators. The event also sees itself explicitly as preparation for a so-called “final clash of cultures”. The fighters compete in the disciplines and according to the rules of K-1 , boxing and mixed martial arts .

The symbol of the organization is a linden leaf in an octagon, the so-called octagon . The former refers to the Nibelungen saga about Siegfried , who became vulnerable to a linden leaf, the latter to the area in mixed martial arts.

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Ministry of the Interior for Building and Home Affairs (ed.): Verfassungsschutz Report 2017 . 2018, ISSN  0177-0357 , p. 68 f .
  2. Sebastian Bähr: Less blood, more money. Retrieved August 29, 2020 .
  3. a b Christian Parth: "Battle of the Nibelungs". A mix of Nazis, rockers and hooligans. Frankfurter Rundschau , December 13, 2017, accessed on August 7, 2019 .
  4. a b Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution : Report on the Protection of the Constitution 2018 . Ed .: Federal Ministry of the Interior for Building and Home Affairs. 2019, ISSN  0177-0357 , p. 65 f .
  5. a b c Neo-Nazis with an affinity for violence met at the weekend for the “Battle of the Nibelungs” in Ostritz. Belltower , October 15, 2018, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  6. Where right-wing extremists train for overthrow. Süddeutsche Zeitung , April 20, 2019, accessed on August 7, 2019 .
  7. ^ Right-wing rock in Saxony: Battle of the Nibelungs canceled. Lausitzer Rundschau , June 18, 2019, accessed on August 7, 2019 .
  8. ^ "Battle of the Nibelungs": Court confirms ban on neo-Nazi martial arts event . In: Spiegel Online . October 9, 2019 ( [accessed October 10, 2019]).
  9. That's it for the "Kampf der Nibelungen". Retrieved October 12, 2019 .
  10. a b Landtag North Rhine-Westphalia 17th electoral period (ed.): Answer of the state government to the small question 2078 of February 19, 2019 by the MPs Verena Schäffer and Josefine Paul BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN . Printed matter 17 / 547219.03.2019, March 19, 2019 ( [PDF]).
  11. Battle of the Nibelungs / Lindenblatt. The game of hide and seek, accessed August 7, 2019 .