Canton of Chicaloma

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Canton of Chicaloma
Basic data

Residents (state) 1889 pop (2012)
Post Code 02-1102-05
height 1800  m
Coordinates 16 ° 28 ′  S , 67 ° 32 ′  W Coordinates: 16 ° 28 ′  S , 67 ° 32 ′  W
Canton of Chicaloma (Bolivia)
Canton of Chicaloma
Canton of Chicaloma

Department La Paz
province South Yungas Province
Municipio Municipio Irupana
Central place Chicaloma
Climate diagram Chulumani
Climate diagram Chulumani

The canton of Chicaloma is an administrative district in the Bolivian department of La Paz .

Location in the vicinity

The canton of Chicaloma is one of six cantons of the Municipio Irupana in the Sud Yungas province and is located in the southern part of the province. It borders in the north on the municipality Chulumani , in the northwest on the municipality Yanacachi , in the west on the canton Lambate , in the south on the canton Taca , in the east on the canton Irupana and in the northeast on the canton Laza .

The canton has 15 localities (localidades) , the central place of the canton is Chicaloma with 768 inhabitants (2012 census).


The canton of Chicaloma is located in the Bolivian Yungas on the eastern slope of the Andes mountain range of the Cordillera Real .

The mean average temperature of the region is 19 ° C, the annual precipitation is about 1150 millimeters. The region has a distinct daytime climate, the monthly average temperatures fluctuate only slightly between 17 ° C in July and 21 ° C in December. The monthly precipitation is between about 20 millimeters in the months of June and July and more than 150 millimeters from December to February.


The population of the canton in the census of 2012 was 1,889 inhabitants.

Due to the historical development, a large proportion of Afro-Bolivians live in the canton of Chicaloma, whose ancestors were abducted by the Spanish colonizers to work in the silver and tin mines on the Altiplano . With the decline in the yield in the mines, they were then relocated to the Yungas in the 20th century.


In the 2012 census, the canton was divided into fifteen sub-cantons ( vicecantones ):

  • 02-1102-0500-1 Chicaloma sub-canton - 768 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0500-2 Collpamaya sub-canton - 29 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0500-3 Subcanton Villa Trinidad - 123 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0500-4 sub-canton Huariscollo - 189 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0500-5 sub-canton Maticuni - 176 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0500-7 sub-canton Tambillo Tocoroni Grande - 91 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0500-8 sub-canton Bajo Tocoroni - 50 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0501-3 Subcanton Huayruro - 81 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0502-2 Chuila sub-canton - 44 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0503-7 Subcanton Yoloza - 89 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0570-2 Subcanton Uquina - 69 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0570-6 Subcanton Imanacu - 50 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0570-9 Subcanton Churumata - 0 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0571-0 Subcanton La Joya - 97 inhabitants
  • 02-1102-0591-9 Subcanton Imicasi - 33 inhabitants

Web links

Individual evidence