Cape Chin

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Cape Chin
JoinvilleIsland Terra MODIS.jpg
Joinville Island (center) with Suspiros Bay (far left) and Cape Kinnes on the south side of the entrance to this bay
Geographical location
Cape Kinnes (Antarctic Peninsula)
Cape Chin
Coordinates 63 ° 22 ′  S , 56 ° 34 ′  W Coordinates: 63 ° 22 ′  S , 56 ° 34 ′  W
location Joinville Island ( Joinville Islands , West Antarctica )
Waters Antarctic Sound
Waters 2 Suspiros Bay

Cape Kinnes is a cape on the west coast of Joinville Island off the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula . It limits the entrance from Antarctic Sound to Suspiros Bay to the south .

Participants of the Dundee Whaling Expedition (1892-1893) named the cape after the ship's owner Robert Kinnes (1854-1940), a sponsor of this expedition.

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