Karel Bartošek

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Karel Bartošek (born June 30, 1930 in Skuteč , † July 19, 2004 in Paris ) was a Czech historian and publicist who last lived in France.


Karel Bartošek, who was born into a working-class family, joined the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia at a very young age . During this time he represented the party line and wrote some strongly pro-communist pamphlets. He studied philosophy at Charles University in Prague, where he later became a professor. 1960–1970 he was a member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences . His main focus was on recent Czech history.

Gradually, Bartošek left the positions of Orthodox Communism and was already involved in the preparation of the Prague Spring . After 1968 he was expelled from the party and worked as a laborer, he also spent six months in prison. In 1977 he signed Charter 77 .

In 1982 he left for France, where he worked at the CNRS . Until 1996 he worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Contemporary History in Paris.

In 1997 he and several other co-authors wrote The Black Book of Communism , which gives an overall balance of 80 years of communism.


  • Přehled československých dějin. Díl 3, 1918–1945 (Overview of Czechoslovak history. Part 3, 1918–1945), Československá akademie věd, Praha 1958,
  • Pražské povstání 1945 (Prague Uprising 1945), Naše vojsko, Praha 1960
  • Independent Historiography in Czechoslovakia, 1985
  • Zpovídání: pražské rozhovory 1978–1982 (Prague Conversations 1978–1982), '68 Publishers, Toronto 1989
  • Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Rémi Kauffer, Pierre Rigoulot, Pascal Fontaine, Yves Santamaria, Sylvain Boulouque: Le livre noir du communisme - Crimes, terreur, répression. Robert Laffont, Paris 1997, ISBN 2-221-08-204-4 ; Bouquins, 1999, ISBN 9782221088616 ; Pocket, 2009, ISBN 226619187X
  • Stéphane Courtois etc., Joachim Gauck, Ehrhart Neubert: The black book of communism - oppression, crime and terror. (1998) Piper Verlag, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-492-04053-5
  • Les Aveux des archives. Prague-Paris-Prague, 1948–1968 (1996)
  • Les sociétés, la guerre et la paix de 1911 à 1946: Europe, Russie puis URSS, Japon, États-Unis, 2003


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