Karel Goeyvaerts

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Karel August Goeyvaerts (born June 8, 1923 in Antwerp ; † February 3, 1993 there ) was a Belgian composer and musicologist .


Karel Goeyvaerts studied at the Conservatory in Antwerp from 1942 to 1947 , and from 1947 to 1950 he was a student of Messiaen and Milhaud at the Paris Conservatory . In 1949 he received the Lili Boulanger Prize, in 1950 the Fernand Halphen Prize. In 1951 Goeyvarts attended the International Summer Courses for New Music in Darmstadt for the first time . His recently composed, strictly organized sonata for two pianos, influenced by Anton Webern's piano variations and Olivier Messiaen's Mode de valeurs et d'intensités , met with great interest. The work was analyzed in a “working group for free composition” led by Theodor W. Adorno ; the composer himself performed the second part together with Karlheinz Stockhausen . In a conversation with Heinz-Klaus Metzger in 1957, Adorno said:

I can remember very clearly that when I was analyzing a great piano work by Goeyvaerts, which I consider to be pure Galimathias, in the composition course in Kranichstein, some of the most important contemporary exponents of serial music were among the audience but have very energetically sided with that work.

Goeyvaerts wrote in 1952:

Last year I had the opportunity to get to know the Darmstadt summer courses and concerts as a participant. I believe that in our collectivist time, in which artistic creation emerges almost impersonally from the totality of the spiritual and is hardly an expression of an individual feeling, this annual meeting, this exchange of ideas corresponds to an urgent need.

As a result, Goeyvaerts was one of the first composers who could experiment in the studio for electronic music of the West German Radio in Cologne ; however, he was not very happy with the results. 1958-1970 he interrupted his musical career and worked as a translator and editor for the Belgian airline Sabena ; at the same time he composed individual orchestral works and individual attempts for instruments and tape, joined the Ghent composer group Spectra and taught (from 1967) at the Conservatory in Antwerp.

Goeyvaert's temporarily interested in improvisational theater- based concepts, such as in the works Van uit de kern and Catch à quatre . From 1970 he taught at the Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music in Ghent. 1975–1988 he was editor for contemporary music at Radio 3 in Brussels ; Compositions from this period show minimalist tendencies. He worked on his last work, the large-scale opera Aquarius , for a whole decade. In 1992 he was appointed professor of new music at the musicological department of the Catholic University of Leuven , and in 1993 he died unexpectedly.

Works (selection)

  • Sonata pour two pianos (1951)
  • Composition no.5 aux sons purs for tape (1954)
  • Opus 6 met 180 klankvoorwerpen for instruments and tape (1954)
  • Zomerspelen for three orchestral groups (1961)
  • Pièces pour piano for piano and tape (1964)
  • Van uit de kern for two players (1969)
  • Catch à quatre for four players (1969)
  • Litany I – V for different line-ups (1979–1982)
  • Aquarius for 8 sopranos, 8 baritones and orchestra (1983–1993)


  • Mark Delaere:  Goeyvaerts, Karel. In: Grove Music Online (English; subscription required).
  • Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt (Ed.): From Kranichstein to the present. 50 years of Darmstadt summer courses . DACO Verlag (Stuttgart 1996), ISBN 3-87135-028-1 .
  • Heinz-Klaus Metzger and Rainer Riehn (eds.): Music concepts. Special tape. Darmstadt documents I . Edition Text + Critique (München 1999), ISBN 3-88377-487-1 .
  • Mark Delaere: In Search of Serial Consistency: Goeyvearts' Way to Composition No. 2 in Contexts, Contributions to Contemporary Music 01, Institute for New Music, (Berlin 1999), ISBN 3-923997-76-0 .
  • Karel Goeyvaerts: Selfless Music. Texts - letters - conversations . Introduced and edited by Mark Delaere. Edition MusikTexte (Cologne 2010), ISBN 978-3-9813319-1-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Documentatie- en Onderzoekscentrum voor Religie, Cultuur en Samenleving (KADOC): Goeyvaerts mirrored ( Memento from February 17, 2018 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on April 9, 2020.
  2. "Impressed by Messiaen's teaching and by his organization of basic musical elements in the Mode des valeurs et d'intensités , and also influenced by his own analysis of Webern's Piano Variations, Goeyvaerts composed the Sonata for Two Pianos, which was completed in spring 1951 . "Stanley Sadie (Ed.): The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians . Macmillan Publishers (London 1980), keyword “Goeyvaerts, Karel”.
  3. ^ Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt (Ed.): From Kranichstein to the present. 50 years of Darmstadt summer courses . DACO Verlag (Stuttgart 1996), ISBN 3-87135-028-1 , p. 149.
  4. ^ Heinz-Klaus Metzger and Rainer Riehn (eds.): Music concepts. Special tape. Darmstadt documents I . Edition Text + Critique (München 1999), ISBN 3-88377-487-1 , p. 65.
  5. "Dissatisfied with the results of pure electronic music, he set about finding Means of transforming instrumental sound Electronically in seeking works as Opus 6 ." Stanley Sadie (ed.): The New The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians . Macmillan Publishers (London 1980), keyword “Goeyvaerts, Karel”.