Karel Hugo Hilar

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KH Hilar (no year)
Hugo Boettinger : KH Hilar in: Rozpravy Aventina (1925)

Karel Hugo Hilar , actually Karel Hugo Bakule (born November 5, 1885 in Sudoměřice , Austria-Hungary , † March 6, 1935 in Prague ) was a Czech theater director.


Karel Hugo Bakule had lived in Prague since 1889 and graduated from school there in 1904. He studied philology and philosophy at Charles University , where he received his doctorate in 1911 on the French novelist Maurice Barrès . As early as 1903 he belonged to the Czech club of young writers Syrinx and began to write in all genres of literary creation. In 1908, Hilar got to know Max Reinhardt's directing technique in Berlin . From 1911 on he was director, from 1913 dramaturge and from 1914 acting director at the Prague Divadlo na Vinohradech (Theater in the Vineyards) and then from 1921 until his untimely death in 1935 the director of the Národní divadlo (National Theater). Hilar is said to have regretted this decision later in view of the most diverse, including political intrigues. In 1924 and 1935 he suffered two strokes.

Hilar performed his own dramas and comedies. Hilar also wrote novels and published collected works on theater. Hilar was married to the actress Zdeňka Baldová .

Works (selection)

  • O divadle . Praha: Divadelní ústav v Praze, 2002
  • Pražská dramaturgy . Praha, Sfinks-Janda, 1930
  • Crisis: Básně . Kladno: Svatopluk Klír a JF Klír, 1930
  • Divadelní promenády . Prague, 1915.
  • Viktor Dyk essay o jeho ironii . V Praze Nákl. R. Broe 1910
  • Zákony . Král. Vinohrady: F. Adámek, 1906


  • Walter Schamschula : History of Czech Literature / 2 From Romanticism to the First World War . Böhlau, Cologne 1990, p. 464f
  • Jarka M. Burian: Leading Creators of Twentieth-Century Czech Theater . London; New York: Routledge, 2002
  • Národní muzeum v Praze: KH Hilar: Význam inscenační tvorby KH Hilara pro moderní české divadlo: Sborník referátů, přednesených na konferenci divadelních historiků a teoretiků v Národním muzeu v lednu 1966 . Praha: Vydalo divadelní oddělení Národního muzea, 1968

Web links

Commons : Karel Hugo Hilar  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Jarka M. Burian. KH Hilar and the early twentieth-century Czech theater . Theater Journal. Vol. 34, No. 1, Mar., 1982