Karen Grude Koht

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Karen Grude Koht.

Karen Elisabeth Grude Koht (born November 16, 1871 in Høyland, Rogaland , † July 10, 1960 in Bærum ) was a Norwegian educator , author and women's rights activist.


She was born in the province of Rogaland in southern Norway as the daughter of Martin Adolf Grude (1841-1918) and Anna Karoline Mossige (1849-1910). In 1893 she moved to Kristiania (now Oslo ) and attended Ragna Nielsen's school there. In 1896 she passed the teacher examination and became a teacher in Sandnes . From 1911 she taught at the state educational school in Stabekk , from 1920 in the social courses of Norske Kvinner Nasjonalråd and from 1923 in Den kvinnelige industriskole in Oslo. She was also a deputy member of the Bærum City Council and was a member of the Bærum School Council from 1918 to 1924.

Together with other activists such as Betzy Kjelsberg , Fredrikke Marie Qvam , Gina Krog and Katti Anker Møller , Koht was a member of the Norske Kvinner Nasjonalråd, which was founded in 1904 as the umbrella organization for various Norwegian women's associations.

Koht often wrote for newspapers and magazines and translated several books into Norwegian. She wrote ABC from 1921 . Mi fyrste bok and from 1923 regulator og rim for barn . In 1937 she completed the Pedagogisk psykologi together with her daughter Åse Gruda Skard .

Personal life

In 1898 she married the historian Halvdan Koht . They were the parents of psychologist Åse Gruda Skard and diplomat Paul Koht and the grandparents of Torild Skard , Målfrid Grude Flekkøy and Halvdan Skard .

Karen Grude Koht died in Bærum at 88 in 1960 and was buried on Nordre Gravlund in Oslo.

Works (selection)

  • Kvinnearbeid , 1908
  • Barna våre. Litt fra deres sjeleliv , 1929
  • Norske kvinners nasjonalråd 25 år , 1929
  • Farmor fortel for dei minste , 1960


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bærums nye kommunestyre . In: Aftenposten . October 26, 1922, p. 1 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  2. ^ Norske Kvinner's Nasjonalråd. In: Lokalhistoriewiki.no. Retrieved February 1, 2018 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  3. Elisabeth Lonna: Norske Kvinners Nasjonalråd. In: Store norske leksikon . Retrieved February 1, 2018 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  4. ^ Karen Elisabeth Grude Koht . In: Store norske leksikon . Kunnskapsforlaget, Oslo (Norwegian Bokmål, snl.no [accessed May 5, 2011]).
  5. Torild Skard : Karen Grude Koht . In: Knut Helle (Ed.): Norsk biografisk leksikon . Kunnskapsforlaget, Oslo (Norwegian Bokmål, snl.no [accessed May 5, 2011]).