Karin B. Schnebel

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Karin B. Schnebel (2017)

Karin Barbara Schnebel (born September 22, 1968 ) is a German political scientist , political didactician and author. Her area of ​​expertise is political theory and philosophy, in particular theories of justice and recognition in the context of heterogeneous societies and the question of the foreign, religious pluralism, political education and gender issues. Her basic concept pursues the question of the possibilities of political implementation of her philosophical concept of self-determination, which was already conceived in her doctoral thesis, in many areas, such as gender equality issues. Her didactic questions in civic education and the dilemma discussion she pursues are also aimed at this. Schnebel also deals with issues of extremism and populism.

academic career

Schnebel studied political science, sociology and communication science in Freiburg, Stuttgart , Bilbao , Paris , Munich and Frankfurt . She obtained a Licenciatura in Communication Studies and a Magister Artium in Political Science. Her doctoral degree in International Relations in Bilbao and Munich it concluded with a thesis in political theory about "self-determination shown in multicultural societies in the examples France, Germany and Spain" on Scholl Institute of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich for " Dr. phil." from. She received support from the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and the DAAD. Schnebel also wrote her habilitation in political theory at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt on the subject of "Gender, Justice and Self-Determination". The habilitation was completed in 2016. In 2018 she was appointed Privatdozentin (PD) in Frankfurt.


In the 1990s Schnebel worked as a freelance editor and reporter. In 1998 she worked for the OSCE in Bosnia-Herzegovina and was then a research assistant in the European Parliament until 2000 . In 2000/01 she worked at the ECOR / IRECOR research center in Tegelen (Holland). Schnebel had several scholarships for talented students and various research assistant positions as well as a substitute professorship at various universities; these include the University of the Basque Country (UPV, Bilbao / Spain), the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (LMU) Munich, the University of Passau , the Technical University of Dortmund ( TU Dortmund ) and the Goethe University in Frankfurt . She was assigned to chairs for political science, political theory, political education and didactics in the social sciences. She also teaches at adult education centers (since 1988) and high schools (2007–2010) and many other extracurricular organizations. For many years Schnebel was a reviewer for doctoral theses a. a. for the University of Gloucestershire. Schnebel has been a freelancer in the Bavarian Civic Education Network since 2012. She has been a board member since 2014 and is the scientific director of the Institute for Social Sciences in Munich and has headed the AIPSO (Academy and Institute for Political and Social Sciences for Discourse eV) since 2019.

From 2016 to 2018, Schnebel headed the “Self-determination and Integration” project in cooperation with the Bavarian Value Alliance, on whose spokesperson she has also been a member since 2016. For this project she was nominated for the 2018 national integration award of the Federal Republic of Germany. She is currently head of the project “Self-determination and integration in the dialogue between denominations and religions” within the framework of the Social Science Institute Munich for future issues and in cooperation with twelve organizations under the funding of the Bavarian Value Alliance. Schnebel is also a professor for political science at the University of Passau. As a private lecturer, she teaches at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main . Since 2019 she has been the initiator and project manager of "Dialogue of Religions".

Theory and opinions

Schnebel primarily deals with heterogeneous societies, extremism, populism, gender issues and religious politics. In doing so, she tries to derive from the theoretical-philosophical question on the concrete political-social level how many similarities are necessary in a state in order to achieve a maximum degree of justice in the long term, in order to favor democracy . Specifically, the question is under which conditions these commonalities can be lived so that a democratic system can achieve a maximum degree of justice and democracy in the long term.

Individual and collective understanding of human rights

In her work, Schnebel questions whether it is individual human rights that guarantee maximum freedom of self-determination and development, or whether this requires collective human rights, and if so, in what form. The aim is that a society can live in peace and, if possible, with maximum self-determination and development opportunities. Schnebel conceived this question in her master's thesis and developed it further in her doctoral thesis and habilitation thesis. Proceeding from heterogeneous societies, the so-called foreign is transferred to all those who do not identify with the place where they live. Identification is crucial for the success of peaceful coexistence in pluralistic societies and as a prevention against extremism and populism. The prerequisite for this is a society that is viewed as fair by as many residents as possible. Such a society also requires common values.

Gender equality

In her habilitation, Schnebel transfers this question to the question of gender equality: what should a society look like that enables maximum self-determination for both genders?

Political education

Schnebel applies the idea of ​​genetic political didactics to questions in the field of education; it treats them as the basis for all declarations, for justifying the necessity of a social contract and its model of self-determination. A fundamental question here is what we would do if we lost our current achievements. In political education, this also flows into questions of political dilemma discussion , which enables the conception of self-determination to be questioned again and again and thus stimulates further development.

At the interface between political philosophy and political education, Schnebel sees the opportunity to apply knowledge from political science in society and politics, since this connection is viewed as a decisive factor for the conception of democracy and self-determination that is constantly being redefined. This is one of the basic ideas of the Social Science Institute Munich for Future Issues, which she co-founded


Schnebel regards the term secularization as a consequence of the expropriation of the churches at the beginning of the 19th century and the distance to the church through a change in religious thinking and less as a decline in religiosity in general as a result of globalization. The element of order that all religions contain could make a contribution to peace.


In 2001 Schnebel was the initiator and co-founder of the parents' initiative MOUSE Childrenhouse eV She was the director and pedagogical director of the English Montessori children's home for six years. Since October 2016 she has been a member of the spokesman's council of the Bavarian Value Alliance Foundation. In addition to parenting spokespersons and parenting council activities, she is involved in the ecclesiastical area of ​​the Evangelical Church, was involved in the Basque peace organization ELKARRI and in Amnesty International and is a member of political science associations or associations of political education, in which she also held various positions at times. She is co-founder of the Social Science Institute Munich for Future Issues eV and the Academy and Institute for Politics and Social Sciences for Discourses eV


Specialist literature

  • Self-determination in multicultural societies. Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, ISBN 978-3-322-80442-6
  • About "stupid citizens" and "cowardly politicians". Polemic pamphlet for more level in everyday political discussions (together with Christian Boeser). Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden 2013, ISBN 978-3-658-02323-2
  • Self-determination or gender equality. Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden 2014, ISBN 978-3-658-04209-7
  • Risking politics - an argumentation training (together with Christian Boeser-Schnebel, Klaus-Peter Hufer, Florian Wenzel). Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach / Ts. 2016, ISBN 978-3734401626


  • European minorities in the dilemma between self-determination and integration. Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-04714-6
  • Integration and tolerance - social cohesion through commitment. Klemm and Oelschläger 2018, ISBN 978-3862811359
  • Self-determination and integration - How we keep our society together. Wochenschau-Verlag, Schwalbach / Ts. 2019, ISBN 978-3834019301

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Dr. phil. habil. Karin B. Schnebel. In: GIM Munich. Retrieved on July 10, 2019 (German).
  2. a b self-determination or gender equality. Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag 2014
  3. Karin Schnebel: Self-determination in multicultural societies . Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, ISBN 978-3-322-80442-6 .
  4. ^ Dilemma over the issue of inequality: A strategy against political apathy, SAGE, UK, eISSN = 2047-1734
  5. Start. In: AIPSO. Retrieved on July 18, 2019 (German).
  6. The Bavarian Value Alliance. In: Bavarian Value Alliance. Retrieved on July 10, 2019 (German).
  7. Nomination for the National Integration Prize 2018. In: GIM Munich. Retrieved on July 16, 2019 (German).
  8. ^ Gunnar Naujocks: Project team. Retrieved July 10, 2019 .
  9. ^ Goethe University - PDs and lecturers. Retrieved July 10, 2019 .
  10. https://gimuenchen.de/wertebuendnisprojekt/selbstbestaltung-und-integration-im-dialog-der-konfessionen-und-religionen/ accessed on November 20, 2019
  11. Self-determination and integration, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, 2019, ISBN 9783834019301
  12. Individual and collective right to self-determination as a human right. In: Archive for Legal and Social Philosophy (ARSP). 1/2008, pp. 26-46
  13. On the importance of values: Do values ​​hold our society together? In: Schnebel, Karin (ed.): Self-determination and integration - How we keep our society together. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag 2018. S, 247-254
  14. Karin Schnebel: About the meaning of values: Do values ​​hold our society together? In: Karin Schnebel (Ed.): Self-determination and Integration - How we hold our society together . Schneider-Verlag, Baltmannsweiler 2018, p. 247-254 .
  15. Karin Schnebel: Didactic possibilities for the development of different concepts of justice as a strategy against disaffection with politics . In: Ingo Juchler (Ed.): Political ideas and political education . Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2018, p. 35-45 .
  16. Didactic possibilities for the development of different ideas of justice as a strategy against political disaffection. In: Juchler, Ingo (Hrsg.): Political ideas and political education. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2018. pp. 35–45
  17. On the necessity of a differentiated theory of liberalism in view of the migration-related increase in religious heterogeneity. In: ARSP, 103/2017. Pp. 470-482
  18. On the importance of values: Do values ​​hold our society together? In: Schnebel, Karin (ed.): Self-determination and integration - How we keep our society together. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag 2018. S, 247-254
  19. https://www.mouse-ev.de/
  20. https://www.wertebuendnis-bayern.de/der-sprecherrat/
  21. Home. In: GIM Munich. Retrieved on July 16, 2019 (German).