Karin Rick

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Karin Rick (born September 8, 1955 in Vienna ) is an Austrian writer and publicist. She is a representative of the erotic counterculture in literature and essay. Her best-known works include the novels Böse Spiele, Sex is the Answer and Venuswelle . Rick lives in Vienna and Lanzarote.

life and work

Rick studied linguistics, journalism and art history and received her degree in interpreting and translation from the University of Vienna in 1979. She then taught as a university lecturer at the University of Nancy II, Faculté des Lettres and at the Ecole des Mines de Nancy . During this time she came into contact with prominent French representatives of écriture feminine and theories of feminine aesthetics such as Hélène Cixous , Luce Irigaray and Julia Kristeva , whose writing had a significant influence. After her return to Vienna she began her writing and journalistic work.

In 1987, at the University of Applied Arts, she conceived the symposium “Female Sexuality and Creativity in Psychoanalysis and Literature”, which examined the reception of French aesthetic theories in the German-speaking world. This resulted in her first book, the theory volume, The Sexual, Women and Art.

In 1990 Rick's first novel Böse Spiele was published , which already anticipated fundamental themes in her literature: borderline forms of female desire, breaking out of role models, breaking taboos, dominance and submission, erotic adventurism, questioning sexual identities and orientations. Longing for love and relationships beyond traditional patterns, queer life plans. Nine more novels and short stories followed. Nature as a symbol for freedom and happy moments in fragile exceptional situations becomes an element of action in Furien in Ferien , in Chaosgirl and in her last novel Venuswelle , a transgender love story.

Rick's literary style is characterized by straightforward clarity and precise formulations aside from romanticizing sentimentality. Karin Rick's journalistic activity extends to writing essays, articles and blogs in print and online media, in which she takes a pointed position on female lust and sexuality, queer lifestyle and new role models.


  • The Sexual, Women and Art , theoretical volume, editor, bankruptcy book Verlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen 1987
  • Women violence pornography , symposium documentation, co-editor, Wiener Frauenverlag, Vienna 1989
  • Böse Spiele , Roman, Wiener Frauenverlag, Vienna, 1991, Heyne Tb 1993, 2nd edition 1994
  • Sex, longing and sirens , stories, bankruptcy book Verlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen 1991, 2nd edition 1998
  • ... with dignity and fire, about women's friendships , co-editor Wiener Frauenverlag, Vienna 1993
  • Côte d'Azur - two women, one love story , short story, Wiener Frauenverlag, Vienna 1993
  • Evil games , novel, Heyne-Verlag, Munich 1994
  • The fallback , narrative, Wiener Frauenverlag, Vienna 1996
  • Sex is the answer , novel, bankruptcy book Verlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen 1999, 2nd edition 2005
  • Dedication , short stories, bankruptcy book Verlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen 2003
  • Furien in Ferien , adventure novel, Querverlag, Berlin 2004
  • Wilde Liebe , narrative, bankruptcy book Verlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen 2005, 2nd edition 2006
  • Chaosgirl , Roman, bankruptcy book Verlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen 2009
  • Italian translation of Chaosgirl : Un caos di Ragazza , translated into Italian by Ester Saletta, Aracne editrice, Rome 2011
  • Venuswelle , Roman, bankruptcy book Verlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen 2015

Essays and articles (selection)

  • Glamorous Journey . In: aep , Feminist Journal for Politics and Society, No. 2/2014, Innsbruck
  • Sex in Scripture - a minefield . In: Dagmar Fink, Birge Krondorfer, Sabine Prokop, Claudia Brunner (Eds.): Prekarität und Freiheit? Feminist science, cultural criticism and self-organization . Westphalian steam boat, Münster 2013
  • Meomsa, the dark side of longing . In: Linda Christanell: When I open the camera, it's red . Edited by Synema, Vienna 2011
  • Her story is a hair story - Karin Rick about Louise Rick. bankruptcy book publishing house Claudia Gehrke, 2005
  • Help TV . In: C / O Coming Out Stories . Edited by Milena Verlag, Vienna 2004
  • Writing rituals . In: Batya Horn, Elisabeth Wäger (ed.): Writing rituals . edition splitter, Vienna, 2004
  • Away with the slender Amazons! In: Bernhard Fetz , Klaralinda Ma-Kircher, Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler (eds.): Phantastik auf Abwegen (texts on Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlando ). Folioverlag, Vienna 2004.
  • Dangerous girlfriends, modernized coat and epee piece or wrongly knitted educational novel? Annotation to the book of the same name by Hélène de Montferrand. Milena Verlag, Vienna, 2003
  • Women's time, men's time . In: Rotraud Perner (Hrsg.): Zeit (t) räume: from thinking, feeling and feeling . Löckerverlag, Vienna 1993
  • The mothers of war . In: Daniela Gioseffi (Ed.): Women and War . Wiener Frauenverlag, 1993, tb Suhrkamp 2001
  • Porn - the new lust of women . In: Auf - eine Frauenzeitschrift , Vienna 1993
  • Always following the phantasm, an exemplary sketch of the contemporary man . In: Rudolf Maresch (Ed.): Future or End, Standpoints - Analyzes - Drafts . Munich 1993
  • Balzac or the Destruction of the Creator Myth . In: An.schlag - the feminist magazine , Vienna 1991
  • Whores, pictures, writing. The feminine view of sexuality and power . In: Karin Rick, Sylvia Treudl (ed.): Women - Violence - Pornography . Vienna, 1989
  • Writing and Reading Sexual Difference . In: An.schlag , the feminist magazine , Vienna 1990; on: Lectures de la différence sexual , Colloque Paris -VIII CIPH, Paris, October 1990
  • "I throw my heart out the window ..." on Hélène Cixous' writing technique . In: An.schlag , the feminist magazine , Vienna 1990

Translations from French (selection)

  • Alain Robbe-Grillet : On the occasion of this writing, rive gauche series . bankruptcy book publishing house Claudia Gehrke, 1988
  • Hélène Cixous : The Book of Promethea . Wiener Frauenverlag, Vienna 1990
  • Rachid Mimouni : The Curse . Haymonverlag, Innsbruck 1994


  • Svjetlan L. Vidulic: Lieben heute , Post-romantic constellations of love in Austrian prose of the 1990s , Praesens Verlag, Vienna 2007
  • Ester Saletta: Lesbian literature, conflict of feelings and strenuous struggle in search of taboo removal , in: Literature as a scandal, cases, functions, consequences, eds., Stefan Neuhaus, Johann Holzner, Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2007
  • Svetlan L.Vidulic : The everyday perversion: the motive of sexual paraphilia in texts of the latest Austrian literature , in: Zagreb germanistic contributions, Zagreb, 1993, pp. 107–140
  • Julia Neissl: Resistant love? On the representation of lesbian relationships in literature , In: Liebe und Resistance, Vienna, 2005, pp. 194–208
  • Julia Neissl: The “colorful” continent: Multi-erotic sexualities in texts by Austrian authors of the 1990s , in: Unter die Haut, Innsbruck - Vienna - Munich, Studienverlag 1999, pp. 149–162

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