Karine Danieljan

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Karine Danieljan (2010)

Karine Danieljan ( Armenian Կարինե Դանիելյան , Russian Карине Суреновна Даниелян ; born June 9, 1947 in Yerevan ) is a Soviet - Armenian biophysicist , ecologist , politician and university professor .


Danieljan attended middle school (1953-1964 with honors) and studied at the University of Yerevan in the Department of Biophysics (1964-1970). In the post-doctoral phase she carried out biochemical and biophysical examinations (1971–1974).

In 1974 Danieljan became a research assistant at the Armenian Academy of Sciences (AN). In 1975 she successfully defended her candidate dissertation . In 1976 she started teaching and gave a lecture on environmental protection in the Faculty of Biology of the University of Yerevan.

In 1980 Danieljan became scientific secretary of the scientific council for problems of the biosphere at the executive committee of the AN. In 1985 she moved to the Research Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the Government of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic . There she headed the department for supplying the heads of the republic with scientific and technical information.

In 1988 Danieljan founded the national ecological movement with others . She also took part in the women's movement . She was a member of the Presidium of the Women's Republic Council and the Presidium of the League of Armenian Women.

In 1990 Danieljan was elected Vice Mayor of Yerevan for Ecology and Healthcare. In 1991 she became Minister for Nature Conservation in the now independent Armenia .

In 1994 Danieljan returned to the University of Yerevan and resumed teaching. In 1995 she became a national expert on ecology and sustainable development for various national institutions and international organizations ( UNDP , UNEP , USAID , EU , WB , OSCE , SIDA etc.) In 1996 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis and became a professor at the University of Yerevan.

In January 1996 Danieljan founded the Association for Sustainable Human Development as a non-governmental organization and has been leading it ever since. Since 1997 she has appeared as a representative of Armenia at international meetings.

Danieljan has headed the Chair of Ecology and Sustainable Development at the Armenian State Pedagogical University since 2012 .

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Armenian State Pedagogical University: Karine Danielyan (accessed March 5, 2020).
  2. Impacter: Karine Danielyan (accessed March 5, 2020).