Karl Johann Brenner

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Karl Johann Brenner (born September 25, 1814 in Basel ; † August 15, 1883 ibid) was a Swiss lawyer and politician .


Brenner studied law at the Universities of Basel and Heidelberg . In Basel he became a member of the Helvetia student union and in Heidelberg in 1835 of the Corps Helvetia. After completing his studies, he settled in Basel as a lawyer .

As a liberal , he was a member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt from 1839 to 1881. He was co-founder and for many years editor of the National-Zeitung . At the end of the regeneration period he took part in the troop marches in 1845 , which is why he was briefly imprisoned. In 1846 he was a member of the Constitutional Commission and worked on the drafting of the Federal Constitution of 1848. In 1848 he sought a seat in the National Council without success . He then became a federal judge .

Brenner was one of the founders of the church reform association in Basel and was a guild clerk for the ship's guild.

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 115 , 101