Karl Krummacher

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Karl Krummacher, 1953

Karl Krummacher (born April 8, 1867 in Elberfeld , † June 20, 1955 in Worpswede ) was a German impressionist painter , active in the Worpswede artists' colony .


Karl Krummacher came from a very old councilor and pastor family from Westphalia . His ancestor Henrik (* 1534) was a councilor in Warendorf. His father Karl Emil Krummacher was a reformed theologian, pastor and superintendent in Elberfeld. His mother came from the wealthy Syberberg family in Bielefeld. She encouraged her son's artistic development.

He was a contemporary of the founders of the Worpswede artists' colony, which was founded in 1889. From 1884 to 1891 he studied with some of the "old Worpsweder" at the Düsseldorf Art Academy . There he also belonged to the " Tartarus " student union , where he met Mackensen and Modersohn.

He later went to Munich, where he was active in the rapidly developing art scene in Munich . He then attended the art college in Weimar . At the invitation of his fellow student Fritz Mackensen , he visited the moor village of Worpswede in 1893, which was characterized by the Teufelsmoor and its rural population. Krummacher initially doubted his talent as a painter and worked as a - quite widely read - writer and art critic in Berlin .

On the advice of his friend Carl Vinnen , he finally returned to Worpswede in 1899. In the beginning he lived with the young family with farmers on the "Begunenhof". Having become successful as a painter, he was able to purchase Fritz Overbeck's house on the Hemberg in the village. In addition, he remained active as a writer, many articles and reports from his adopted home were published.

He lived in Worpswede until his death in 1955. The liberal democrat was a member of the local council for many years. At the time of National Socialism , he mocked the local Nazi giants and was arrested, but soon released again under pressure from Worpsweder.

Krummacher's style of painting can be assigned to Impressionism, he was a connoisseur of the French Impressionists. His motifs were the landscape, but especially the farmers and the "little people" from Worpswede. He was very popular in the town, going in and out of the houses, making many remarkable portraits. He had long friendships with all members of the artists' colony. His daughter Gertrud was close friends with Otto Modersohn's daughter Elsbeth. Even Heinrich Vogeler and his family frequent visitor to Krummacher house.

Karl Krummacher outlived most of the painters in the artist colony. Only Fritz Mackensen († 1953) accompanied him for a long time. The Krummacher family grave is located in the cemetery of the Zionskirche .

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death in 2005, there was an extensive commemorative exhibition at the Worpsweder Kunstschau. On this occasion the book: Karl Krummacher, a Worpswede impressionist, was published by his granddaughter Uta Hosenfeld, by his daughter Annemarie and Wilm Hosenfeld .



Painting :

  • The Card Players (Family Owned)
  • Birch trees in Worpswede
  • Worpswede in winter
  • Zion Church from the west


  • Hans Wohltmann: Krummacher, Karl , in: Otto Heinrich May (Hrsg.): Niedersächsische Lebensbilder , Vol. V, 1962, p. 172.
  • Uta Hosenfeld: Karl Krummacher, a Worpswede impressionist, edition fischerhuder art book publishing house in the farmhouse (2005), ISBN 3-88132-265-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Google Maps