Karl Magnus of Baden-Durlach

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Margrave Karl Magnus of Baden-Durlach (born March 27, 1621 in Durlach ; † November 29, 1658 ibid) was titular Margrave of Baden-Durlach and lieutenant general in the Swedish army .


Karl Magnus was the second son from the first marriage of Margrave Friedrich V von Baden with Barbara von Württemberg (* December 4, 1593 - May 8, 1627), the daughter of Duke Friedrich I of Württemberg . In 1635 he went with his older brother, Friedrich VI. traveling and also stayed for a while at the French court. In 1638 both were in the army of Duke Bernhard von Sachsen-Weimar and in 1640 he joined the Swedish army, where he served with his brother-in-law Johan Banér and immediately became regimental commander. In 1641 he was taken prisoner near Cham . After his release in 1642 he returned to the Swedish army and was involved as a colonel in the battle of Jankau, which was victorious for the Swedes . He also took part in the further campaign of the Swedish field marshal Lennart Torstensson and Carl Gustav Wrangel . After the Peace of Westphalia , Karl Magnus returned to Baden. In 1655 he was reappointed by the Swedish king for the Second Northern War and made lieutenant general. He took part in the Battle of Warsaw . At the beginning of 1658 he went to war against Denmark with the Swedish King Karl X. Gustav . In July 1658 Karl Magnus returned to Baden due to illness and died in November of that year. He was buried in the collegiate church in Pforzheim .

Marriage and offspring

He married on 23 January 1650 in Schillingsfürst Countess Marie Juliane von Hohenlohe-Waldenburg (* March 23, 1622, † 1675), daughter of Count Georg Friedrich II von Hohenlohe-Waldenburg. . The following children were born from the marriage:

  • Karl Friedrich (born January 11, 1651 - † October 5, 1676), Catholic. Maltese
  • Charlotte Sofie (born September 13, 1652 - † January 18, 1678), married Count Emich XIII on February 24, 1676 . von Leiningen-Hartenburg (born February 6, 1649 - † December 13, 1684)
  • Eleonore Barbara (June 12, 1657 - November 4, 1658)
  • Friedericke Christine (* 1658 - † March 1659)

He was born on Karlsburg in Durlach and died there too.


Charles II Margrave of Baden-Durlach (1529–1577)
Georg Friedrich Margrave of Baden-Durlach (1573–1638)
Anna of Pfalz-Veldenz (1540–1586)
Friedrich V Margrave of Baden-Durlach (1594–1659)
Friedrich von Salm-Neufville (1547–1608)
Juliane Ursula von Salm-Neufville (1572-1614)
Franziska von Salm-Badenweiler (1545–1587)
Karl Magnus of Baden-Durlach
George I of Württemberg-Mömpelgard (1498–1558)
Friedrich I. Duke of Württemberg (1557–1608)
Barbara of Hesse (1536–1597)
Barbara of Württemberg (1593–1627)
Joachim Ernst of Anhalt (1536–1586)
Sibylla of Anhalt (1564–1614)
Agnes of Barby (1540–1569)

See also


  • Johann Christian Sachs : Introduction to the history of the Marggravschaft and the Marggravial old princely house of Baden . Fourth part. Lotter, Carlsruhe 1770, p. 613–626 ( limited preview in Google Book search).

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