Karl Matthes

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Karl Matthes (born January 16, 1905 in Jena ; † November 8, 1962 in Heidelberg ) was a German physician , circulatory researcher, university professor and director of the Heidelberg University Medical Center.


Karl Henning Matthes was born in 1905 as the son of Max Erich Richard Matthes and Paula Helene Matthes. Hudemann born. Matthes received his school education in Marburg and in Königsberg / East Prussia, where he passed the Abitur in March 1923 at the humanistic grammar school. Matthes then studied medicine in Würzburg, Königsberg, Munich, Heidelberg and Leipzig. On June 21, 1928, he passed the medical state examination in Munich. In 1929 he did his doctorate in Heidelberg on the subject of “ On the mechanism of the pulse slowing down by morphine. “This was followed by a stay in England until 1930. He worked here in London at the " National Institute for Medical Research " and then became a Rockefeller Research Fellow at the Physiological Institute in Oxford with the later Nobel Prize winner Charles Scott Sherrington . From 1931 to 1945 Karl Matthes was an assistant doctor at the Medical Clinic of the University of Leipzig. In 1937 he completed his habilitation in the subject of internal medicine on the subject of “ On the regulation of circulation and breathing in the service of respiratory gas exchange. “From 1945 to 1947 Karl Matthes was initially acting head of the medical outpatient clinic in Erlangen, from 1947 to 1952 he was director of the university clinic in Erlangen. In 1952, he was appointed to the Ludolf von Krehl University Clinic for Internal Medicine in Heidelberg, where he became medical director. One of his senior physicians was Paul Christian . From 1955 to 1956, Matthes was Dean of the Medical Faculty of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . Matthes was a member of the Medical Department of the US Army Education Committee in 1957/58. Karl Matthes tried to introduce group nursing to the Ludolf von Krehl Clinic together with the graduates of the nursing school of the University of Heidelberg . The nurse in charge was the former graduate Heidi Friedl (née Hofer), who was already in charge of group care at the Markuskrankenhaus in Frankfurt / M. as deputy superior. The sister school of Heidelberg University was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation .

Matthes was from 1961 a member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and from 1962 a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina . From 1961 to 1962 he was chairman of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors .

1958 smallpox in Heidelberg

At the end of 1958, smallpox broke out in the Heidelberg clinic , and Karl Matthes, together with the nurse Ernestine Thren and Oberin Adda von Thümpling, showed great care in combating it. The medical Ludolf von Krehl Clinic was placed in quarantine, which also included the Christmas party. Nobody without vaccination was allowed to leave Heidelberg. There were 18 cases of illness and 2 deaths, including a young doctor.


  • Karl Matthes: About the mechniasm of the pulse slowing down by morphine , Vogel Leipzig 1929.
  • Karl Matthes and Max Hochrein: Contributions to blood circulation in the small circulation , Naunyn-Schmiedebergs archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology, 1932, 167, 1, pp. 687-701.
  • Karl Matthes: On the regulation of circulation and breathing in the service of respiratory gas exchange , Würzburg 1937.
  • Karl Matthes: Circulatory examinations on humans with continuously recording methods , Thieme Stuttgart 1951.


  • Hans Freiherr von Kress: In Memoriam Karl Matthes , in: Universitäts-Gesellschaft Heidelberg (Hrsg.): Heidelberger Jahrbücher VIII , Springer Berlin a. a. 1964, pp. 41-56.
  • Medical University Clinic Heidelberg: In memoriam Karl Matthes , advanced training conference in memory of Prof. Dr. Karl Matthes, Boehringer Mannheim 1965.
  • Wolfgang Kübler : Internal Medicine III, Cardiology , In: Gotthard Schettler (Ed.): The Heidelberg University Hospital and its institutes , with a foreword by Gisbert Frhr. zu Putlitz , Springer Berlin, Heidelberg et al., 1986, pp. 90-92.
  • Dagmar Drüll: Heidelberger Gelehrten Lexikon 1933-1986 , Springer Berlin, Heidelberg 2009, p. 406.


  • In the Medical University Clinic Heidelberg ( Ludolf von Krehl Klinik ) a patient station is named after Karl Matthes.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Prof. Dr. Karl Matthes. Member entry at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences , accessed on December 20, 2016 .
  2. ^ Member entry by Karl Matthes at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on December 19, 2016.
  3. ^ Estate, correspondence with the nursing school of the University of Heidelberg , Acc 43/08, Heidelberg University Archives.
  4. ^ Unpublished lecture Karl Matthes: Experiences on the occasion of the smallpox diseases in Heidelberg. Lecture at the advanced training course of the Baden-Württemberg State Sisters' Council in Heidelberg , 1960.
  5. Wolfgang U. Eckart : Jenner. Studies on the causes and effects of cowpox , Springer Spectrum Berlin, Heidelberg 2015, on smallpox in Heidelberg p. 20, print version ISBN 978-3-642-41678-1 . Online Resource 2016: doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-642-41679-8
  6. ^ Station Matthes / Wunderlich: digitized version , accessed on April 12, 2020.