Karl Petrus Theodor Bohlin

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Karl Petrus Theodor Bohlin (born October 30, 1860 in Stockholm , † May 25, 1939 there ) was a Swedish astronomer.


Bohlin passed his matriculation examination in Stockholm in 1878 and was licensed in Uppsala , Sweden in 1883 , lecturer in astronomy in 1885 and received his doctorate in 1886. Between 1880 and 1883 he was an assistant at the Uppsala Astronomical Observatory and in the summer of that year he carried out geodetic and astronomical work on the General Staff through and in the winter of 1882-1883 he made observations on changes in the magnetic field, which were organized in Uppsala in connection with future international Arctic expeditions.

Scientific work

Between 1884 and 1888 and 1890–1891 he worked as an assistant astronomer at the Stockholm Observatory and twice, 1888–1889 and 1896, as an observer at the Uppsala Observatory. Between 1891 and 1893 he made a trip to Germany and Russia and 1893–1894 another trip to Russia. During these trips he had a job at the Royal Astronomical Computing Institute in Berlin, where he was involved in calculating the disturbances of Jupiter on the orbits of minor planets and he calculated the orbit of Encke's comet at Oskar Backlund's office in Saint Petersburg . In 1897 he became professor of astronomy at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences . In the same year he was appointed as an astronomer at Stockholm University. In 1898 he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences and in 1900 he became a member of the Royal Physiographical Society in Lund .

Bohlin published a large number of astronomical theses, most of them theoretical. He left a valuable contribution to the question of calculating the disturbances of the asteroid orbits and developed a theory of so-called "group disturbances" in tables and formulas for the group-wise calculation of the general disturbances of neighboring planets (Uppsala 1896) or Sur le développement des perturbations planétaires (in the yearbook 1902 of the Stockholm Observatory).

Among the observational work of Bohlin, mention should be made of the determination of the polar elevation of the Uppsala Observatory (1882), On the observations of the Uppsala Observatory for the determination of the equinoxes in the spring and autumn of 1889 (1890) and a large number of observations of planets and comets that were in the " Astronomical News " were published. He also left contributions on the question of the parallaxes of the stars. He also published some papers in the field of mathematics and mechanics.

The asteroid Bohlinia is named after him.

Individual evidence

  1. Bohlin, Karl Petrus Teodor . In: Bernhard Meijer (Ed.): Nordisk familjebok konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi . 2nd Edition. tape 3 : Bergsvalan – Branstad . Nordisk familjeboks förlag, Stockholm 1905, Sp. 910 (Swedish, runeberg.org ).
  2. Formulas and tables for calculating the general disturbances of neighboring planets in groups. Retrieved October 18, 2018 .
  3. ^ K. Bohlin: Sur le développement des perturbations planétaires. Application aux petites planètes. In: Stockholm's Observatory Annaler . tape March 7 , 1902, bibcode : 1902StoAn ... 7 .... 1B .