Karl Röckinger

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Karl Röckinger (born January 6, 1950 in Mühlacker ) was district administrator of the Enz district .

education and profession

After passing the state examination for the higher non-technical administrative service in 1971, Röckinger worked in the Mühlacker municipal treasury until 1972 . After studying law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg from 1972 to 1976 and the legal traineeship from 1976 to 1978 at the Karlsruhe Regional Court , from 1979 he worked for the state of Baden-Württemberg as a department head at the Enzkreis district office. From 1985 he was the municipal department head for social affairs, youth and transport in the Enzkreis district office.

Political career

Röckinger had been a non-party district administrator since July 1, 2003 . On May 17, 2011 he was re-elected by the district council with 47 out of 53 votes. His term of office ended on January 31, 2018.

Other activities

Röckinger is honorary chairman of the municipal association for youth and social affairs in Baden-Württemberg , vice - chairman of the district council of Baden-Württemberg , chairman of the supervisory board of Enzkreis-Kliniken gGmbH, deputy chairman of the Regionalen Klinik Holding GmbH, alternating chairman of the administrative board of Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw , alternating chairman of the supervisory board Verkehrsverbund Pforzheim-Enzkreis and chairman of the supervisory board of the Gemeinnützige Service- und Integrationsgesellschaft Enzkreis mbH (GSI). He is also a member of the board of the Sparkassenverband Baden-Württemberg , member of the board of trustees of the Baden-Württemberg Youth Foundation , deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Wohlfahrtswerk for Baden-Wuerttemberg , the Supervisory Board of the Black Forest Tourism GmbH and Supervisory Board of Cooperative Arlinger eG Röckinger does volunteer work for a long time in the club live together eV He is the father of five sons and one daughter.


In 2010, Karl Röckinger was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon.

Individual evidence

  1. http://muehlacker-tagblatt.de/archiv/89-prozent-zufimmen-fuer-den-landrat/

Web links