Karl Reitz (violist)

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Karl Reitz (born January 31, 1887 in Cologne , † February 10, 1943 in Berlin ) was a German violist and is considered one of the most renowned chamber musicians of his time.


Karl Ludwig Peter Reitz was the first child of Carl Reitz and Juliane Reitz, b. Meister, from the Koblenz art trade family Meister (see also Simon Meister ), born in Cologne . From 1922 until his death in 1943, he held the position of solo violist in the Staatskapelle Berlin , at that time the Prussian Staatskapelle (Berlin State Opera), for 21 years .

Chamber music ensembles

  • Busch Quartet : From 1919 to 1921 Reitz played a key role in shaping the Busch Quartet , which was founded in 1913 by Primarius Adolf Busch , a brother of the conductor Fritz Busch , and which has become one of the most important and influential string quartets of the first half of the 20th century until it was disbanded in 1952. Other musicians in this quartet were Fritz Rothschild (1913), Gösta Andreasson (1921–45), Ernest Drucker (1946) and Bruno Straumann (1946–52) on 2nd violin. The viola was played by Karl Doktor (1913), Emil Bohnke (1919–21), again Karl Doktor (1921–45) and Hugo Gottesmann (1946–52). The cello played Paul Grümmer (1913-30) and Hermann Busch (1930-52). The friendship with Emil Bohnke meant that around 1920 Reitz lived with his family for some time with his father-in-law Franz von Mendelssohn in the Palais Mendelssohn in Berlin-Grunewald .
  • Deman String Quartet : Following founded Reitz at the Viola together with Rudolf Deman (first violin), Emil grain sand (second violin) and Carl Dechert (cello) the deman-string .
  • Bruinier Quartet : In 1937 Reitz took over the viola from Karla Höcker in the Bruinier Quartet , named after its founder and leader August Heinrich Bruinier . Further members were initially Marg. Schmidt-Laipa, later Fritz Wehmeyer (2nd violin) and on the cello Hans Chemin-Petit followed by Paul Blumenfeld and Carl Dechert. After Reitz's death, the Bruinier Quartet was disbanded in 1944 due to the war.


Karl Reitz met the painter Albert Aereboe through his brother Hans Walter Reitz (1888–1955), a representative of the New Building style in Germany, who was portrayed several times by August Sander . Around 1917 he commissioned Aereboe to design the living room at Holtenauer Strasse 59a in Kiel (Brunswick) with wall paintings and integrated paintings, watercolors and drawings to create an interior . The furniture was made according to designs by Hans Walter Reitz. This work has not survived, as has the villa at Kranzallee 55 in Berlin-Westend , which Hans Walter Reitz later realized for his brother and which was destroyed in one of the Allied air raids on Berlin .

Karl Reitz was in his first marriage to the violinist Henni Marie Reitz, geb. Kähler (1891–1973), second marriage to Hildegard Reitz, b. Ehlers (1896–1989) married and had four children.


Web links

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Trio for piano, clarinet and viola, Karl Reitz / Henrich Geuser / Michael Raucheisen

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Walter Reitz, Cologne Architecture
  2. ^ Hans Walter Reitz, picture book Cologne monuments
  3. Hans Walter Reitz, New Objectivity Dresden
  4. ^ August Sander: Hans Walter Reitz, MOMA collection
  5. ^ August Sander: Hans Walter Reitz, Getty
  6. ^ August Sander: Architectural model Hans Walter Reitz
  7. August Sander: Hans Walter Reitz, corner of the house Gleueler Strasse