Karl Süpfle

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Karl Süpfle (born December 9, 1880 in Metz , † September 26, 1942 in front of Stalingrad ) was a German hygienist .


His father was the Germanist Theodor Süpfle (1833–1895), a high school teacher in Gotha and Metz. Karl Süpfle studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg , where he also received his doctorate in 1905 and then worked as an assistant. In 1907 he went to Freiburg and completed his habilitation in 1908 at the Albert Ludwigs University there . From 1908 Karl Süpfle worked as a private lecturer with Max von Gruber at the Hygiene Institute of the University of Munich , and in 1911 he was appointed professor there.

He worked in the field of bacteriology and immunology , disinfection and vaccination . His main areas of expertise included smallpox vaccination , school hygiene and disinfection, and urban hygiene. During the First World War , he took part in the Bavarian army as a consultant hygienist . From 1922 to 1927 he was full professor for animal hygiene at the University of Munich. In 1927 he was appointed director of the Hygiene Institute at the Technical University of Dresden . He was appointed as a member of the executive committee and scientific director within the management of the International Hygiene Exhibition of 1930 in Dresden. After ten years in Dresden, after long negotiations, Süpfle moved to the Hygiene Institute Hamburg as the desired successor to Rudolf Otto Neumann in the same position .

"The Hamburg institute owes its existence ... to the cholera epidemic of 1892 and its bitter doctrine that human lives and property are preserved if hygienic care and supervision are provided."

- Karl Süpfle, 1942

Süpfle, who was a member of the Stahlhelm during the Weimar Republic , joined the Nazi teachers' association after the Nazis came to power in 1933 . In November 1933 he signed the German professors' confession of Adolf Hitler . After the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, he was drafted into the Wehrmacht as a hygiene consultant and was only able to work at the institute in Hamburg very sporadically. On September 26, 1942, he was killed in an air raid on the 6th Army in the Battle of Stalingrad .

Publications (selection)

  • Contributions to the knowledge of vaccine bodies. Winter, Heidelberg 1905, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 355-ubr11449-9 (dissertation, University of Heidelberg, 1905).
  • The vaccine immunity. A critical and experimental study. Oldenbourg, Munich 1908 (habilitation thesis, University of Freiburg im Breisgau, 1908).
  • Concept and tasks of hygiene . In: International Hygiene Exhibition Dresden. Official exhibition newspaper. No. 3 (April 1930).
  • with Paul Hofmann : The methods of home hygiene. Handbook of Biological Working Methods. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin 1934.


  • Paul Hoffmann: Karl Süpfle in memory . In: Berlin and Munich veterinary weekly. 1942, p. 343 f.
  • Romy Steinmeier: "But Hamburg also had its good sides". Rudolf Otto Neumann and the Hygiene Institute Hamburg (= series of publications by the Institute for Hygiene and Environment, Hamburg. Volume 3). Edition Temmen, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-86108-083-4 , pp. 139-141.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Süpfle. In Walther Killy, Rudolf Vierhaus (Ed.): Dictionary of German Biography. Volume 9, Walter de Gruyter, Munich 2005, p. 646.
  2. ^ Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich The Professors and their Teaching Duties (1890–1939) ; Angela von den Driesch: 200 years of veterinary teaching and research in Munich , 1990 .
  3. ^ Sigrid Stöckel, Ulla Walter (ed.): Prevention in the 20th century. Historical basics and current developments in Germany. Juventa, Weinheim 2002, ISBN 3-7799-1564-2 , pp.?; Carlwalter Straßhausen (Hrsg.) Among others: International Hygiene Exhibition Dresden 1930. Official Guide. Verlag der Internationale Hygiene-Ausstellung, Dresden 1930, p. 127 f.
  4. ^ Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 616.