Karl Tuppa

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Karl Tuppa (born March 23, 1899 in Vienna ; † November 11, 1981 ibid) was an Austrian anthropologist .


Tuppa studied anthropology with Josef Weninger up to his doctorate in 1935. In 1940, he completed his habilitation on the Turkic people, Mischeren and Tipteren, using material from the estate of Rudolf Pöch . From 1932 he worked at the Institute for Anthropology, which he headed after the director Eberhard Geyer was drafted and died in 1942 . He also examined records of Armenian prisoners of war from the First World War. His racial knowledge of the Lower Danube was particularly important in Adolf Hitler's home region . In 1945 he was released. He then worked as a self-employed hereditary assessor, mainly in determining paternity until the 1960s.


  • Racial science of the Lower Danube . Series: Niederdonau, Ahnengau des Führers - Series of publications for home and people. Ed. Gaupresseamt ​​Niederdonau of the NSDAP , 22nd Sankt Pöltener Zeitungs-Verlagsgesellschaft, St. Pölten 1941
  • Mischeren and Tipteren: a contribution to the anthropology of the Turkic peoples in Russia , Ahnenerbe -Stiftung Verlag 1941


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