Karl Vaja

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Karl Vaja (born February 22, 1925 in Bolzano ; † January 23, 2007 in Neumarkt ) was an Italian politician from South Tyrol .


Vaja was elected to the Italian Chamber of Deputies in 1963 on the list of the South Tyrolean People's Party , to which he belonged until 1968. From 1968 to 1978 he was a member of the South Tyrolean state parliament and therefore also a member of the Trentino-South Tyrol regional council . From 1970 to 1973 he was assessor for mountain economy, forestry and torrent control in the regional government , from 1973 to 1974 as regional councilor for public works in the Magnago III cabinet, member of the South Tyrolean regional government . In his second legislative period, Vaja was President of the State Parliament from 1973 to 1976, briefly Vice-President in 1976 and President of the Regional Council from 1976 to 1978. After the end of his political career he was President of the Bolzano Exhibition Center .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Karl Vaja. Camera dei deputati, Retrieved June 7, 2012 .
  2. Member of the South Tyrolean Parliament since 1948. South Tyrolean Parliament, accessed on June 7, 2012 .
  3. LT-Pres. Mader expressed condolences on the occasion of the death of Dr. Karl Vaja to the President of the South Tyrolean state parliament. Austria Press Agency , accessed on June 7, 2012 .
  4. ^ The members of the Presidium from 1973 to 1978. South Tyrolean Parliament, accessed on June 7, 2012 .
  5. ^ President of the Regional Council of Trentino-Alto Adige from December 13, 1948 until today. Region Trentino-South Tyrol, accessed on June 7, 2012 .
  6. ^ Bolzano: morto Karl Vaja, esponente della SVP. Adnkronos, January 24, 2007, accessed February 25, 2015 .