Karl Weinberger (Bishop)

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Karl Weinberger OFM (also Karl Weinperger ; * 1582 in Graz ; † 1625 in Retz ) was titular bishop of Nazianzus and auxiliary bishop in Breslau from 1620 to 1625 . From 1621 to 1625 he was nominated Bishop of Pedena .


As a member of the Franciscan order, Karl Weinberger rose to the position of commissioner of the vicar general , who was responsible for the Hungarian and later also the Austrian order province .

On January 27, 1620 he was appointed titular bishop of Nazianzus ( Ep. Tit. Nazianzenus ) and auxiliary bishop in Breslau. Although he did not meet the expectations of the Emperor Ferdinand II , he was nominated by him as Bishop of Pedena in 1621. Although the papal confirmation was not yet available, Weinberger went straight to his district to take possession of it. There he exercised the jurisdiction , and on August 25, 1622 he was present at the consecration of the Trieste Bishop Rinaldo Scarlicchio . His spiritual and religious way of life contradicted the expectations placed on a bishop. He wore secular clothing and was interested in military affairs. He also organized military parades, carried weapons himself and often stayed in taverns. This made him unpopular in his district. After he got into conflict with the district government in Mitterburg , they complained to the emperor in 1623. At the same time, Bishop Scarlicchio complained about him in Rome. The negotiations with him were unsuccessful. Therefore Ferdinand II withdrew his nomination in 1625; Weinberger had to leave his district. In the same year he died in Retz, Austria .


  • France M. Dolinar: Weinberger (Weinperger), Karl (OFM) (1582-1625) . In: Erwin Gatz : The Bishops of the Holy Roman Empire 1448–1668 , ISBN 3-428-08422-5 , p. 743.
predecessor Office successor
Martin Kohlsdorf Auxiliary bishop in Breslau
Johann Balthasar Liesch von Hornau