Karlsruhe Insurance

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Karlsruhe Insurance

legal form Corporation
founding June 1, 1835
Seat Karlsruhe
Branch Insurance
Website www.karlsruher.de

The Karlsruher Insurance is an insurance brand that dates back to 1835. A life insurance company and a property insurance company each operate under the brand name and belong to the financial services group Wüstenrot & Württembergische .


On June 1, 1835, the “General Pension Fund in the Grand Duchy of Baden” began operations, from which the Karlsruher Lebensversicherung AG (KLV) emerged - known as the “Karlsruher”. In 1922, the Karlsruher Lebensversicherungsbank, owned by Frankfurter Allgemeine Versicherung, was established as a result of the currency problems resulting from hyperinflation . In 1923, the latter largely took over the rights and obligations of the Karlsruhe mutual life insurance company, and since then there has been cooperation with Volksbanks, Raiffeisenbanks and BBBank eG.

In the course of the collapse of FAVAG in 1929, Allianz took over the Karlsruher Lebensversicherungsbank as one of the four holdings alongside the Vereinigte Berlinerische und Preußische Lebensversicherung , Neue Frankfurter Allgemeine Versicherung and Hammonia Allgemeine Versicherung . In 1937 the name was changed to Karlsruher Lebensversicherung. In 1976, Karlsruher Versicherungen AG was founded, in which the property insurance business previously run by the Karlsruher Versicherungen Versicherungsverein aG was combined. The legal protection insurance subsidiary KVV Rechtsschutzversicherung AG was founded as early as 1973, which later became the Karlsruher Rechtsschutzversicherung AG.

In October 2004, Wüstenrot & Württembergische took over the insurance group that was integrated into Württembergische Versicherungen . Until the end of 2005, the Karlsruher insurance companies consisted of, among others, the Karlsruher Lebensversicherung AG, the Karlsruher Versicherung AG, the Karlsruher Beamten-Versicherung AG, the Karlsruher Rechtsschutzversicherung AG and the Karlsruher Rendite Immobilien GmbH. The company was particularly active as a sponsor in the sporting sector, for example at Karlsruher SC and BG Karlsruhe .

In the course of the integration, the companies "Karlsruher Beamten-Versicherung" and "Karlsruher Rechtsschutzversicherung" have merged into Karlsruher Versicherung AG. This was then merged with Württembergische Versicherung AG . The former "Karlsruher Lebensversicherung AG" was merged with Württembergische Lebensversicherung AG.

Greif and pyramid on the former building of the Karlsruher Versicherung, now City Hall West

Since 2007, the former “Karlsruher Hinterbliebenenkasse” has been operating under the traditional name “Karlsruher Lebensversicherung AG”, which acted as a brand and exclusively offered products from Württembergische Lebensversicherung AG for bank sales. This "new" Karlsruhe life insurance was also merged with Württembergische Lebensversicherung on January 1, 2019.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Peter Koch: "Insurance places in Germany: history as present", p. 17
  2. Gerald D. Feldman: "The Alliance and the German Insurance Industry, 1933-1945", p. 53
  3. Peter Koch: “Insurance places in Germany: history as present”, p. 18
  4. Florian Burghardt: One less life insurer on the German market. In: procontra . October 16, 2019, accessed January 12, 2020 .