Kasania arundinalis

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Kasania arundinalis
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Crambidae
Subfamily : Acentropinae
Genre : Kasania
Type : Kasania arundinalis
Scientific name of the  genus
Krulikowski, 1910
Scientific name of the  species
Kasania arundinalis
( Eversmann , 1842)

Kasania arundinalis is a butterfly from the family of Crambidae . The species is the only one of the genus Kasania .


Generic characteristics

The butterflies are Ocellen available, but they are very small. The antennae are thread-like and ciliate briefly in the males. The maxillary palps are small and have a pointed end member. The proboscis is filigree and rolled up. The labial palps are curved. The outer apical spur of the middle tibia is only half as long as the inner one in both sexes. An epiphysis is present. The R 2 vein arises directly from the cell , the R 3 and R 4 veins are petiolate. M 1 arises medially between R 5 and M 2 , CuP is missing. On the hind wing the vein M 1 is exposed and is only connected to the stalk of Sc + R 1 and RS by a cross vein . In females, the frenulum consists of three bristles.

The fitting of the male genital has a short Uncus , the basal is broadened and a short Gnathos . The aedeagus is short and thick and provided with a strong, curved cornutus. The females have a short oviscapter. The ductus bursae is wide and has no colliculum, instead a nodular process is formed. There is no sign on the corpus bursae .

Species features

The moths reach a wingspan of 12 to 14 millimeters. The drawing of the forewings clearly differs from the other representatives of the Acentropinae . The forewings are uniformly black-brown and have two distinct, elongated spots in the middle field. In the females, the spots are only indicated. Another white spot, which is also only indicated in the females, is in the area of ​​the submarginal line. Distad to these two spots, a fine pale line is indicated on the costal edge. The hind wings are yellow and have a blackish central field and an equally colored submarginal region. The inner edge is darkened.

In the males, Uncus and Gnathos are short and strong. The blades are narrow and curved at the costal edge. The Juxta is rectangular and has rounded corners. The aedeagus is strong, the ejaculatory bulb is inserted centrally. The cornutus is large and curved. It is covered proximally by a few sclerotized bristles. In the hollow of the cornutus there is a strongly slerotized area.

The females have a short oviscapter, the apophyses are clearly widened towards the base of the cornutus. The ductus bursae is strong and has a distinct knot before it joins the corpus bursae. The corpus bursae is membranous and has no sign.


Kazania arundinalis occurs in Poland ( Białowieża jungle ), in Russia ( Urschum , Kazan , Krasnoarmeisk (Saratow) , Astrakhan ), and in Kazakhstan ( Oral on the Emba river).


The moths fly from May to August. The species was found in reed swamps and Caricetum societies. Nothing is known about the pre-imaginal stages.


The following synonym is known from the literature:

  • Pyrausta arundinalis Eversmann , 1842

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g h Barry Goater, Matthias Nuss, Wolfgang Speidel: Pyraloidea I (Crambidae, Acentropinae, Evergestinae, Heliothelinae, Schoenobiinae, Scopariinae) . In: P. Huemer, O. Karsholt, L. Lyneborg (eds.): Microlepidoptera of Europe . 1st edition. tape 4 . Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2005, ISBN 87-88757-33-1 , pp. 48 (English).
  2. Kasania arundinalis in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved October 20, 2012

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