Kasi Mahomed Agassiev

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Kasi Mahomed Agassiev

Kasi Mahomed Agassijew ( Russian Кази Магомед Агасиев , Lezgian Къазимегьамед Агъасийрин * 1882 in Akhty , Dagestan ; † 19th September 1918 in Kasumkent ) was a Russian revolutionary lesgischer nationality. He was a participant in the struggle for Soviet power in Dagestan and Azerbaijan .


Agassiev came from a Lesgian family of craftsmen. He himself was employed as a worker in Baku. Agassiev joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party ( RSDLP) in 1904 . At the end of 1905 he became a member of the Baku Council. In 1905 he founded the Lesgian Bolshevik Group in the Baku Committee of the RSDLP. He took an active part in the work of the Oil Workers Union . Agassiev was persecuted by the tsarist authorities, arrested several times and deported from Baku.

After the October Revolution in 1917 he was a member of the Baku Soviet , then chairman of the Derbenter Soviet. After the occupation of Dagestan by interveners and Bitscherakhov gangs, he organized the partisan struggle in 1918 . Agassiev was arrested and shot by Turkish intervention troops.


  • The Azerbaijani city of Hajiqabul was called Qazıməmməd (Russian Кази-Магомед ) in his honor from 1938 to 2000 .
  • In Derbent there is a prospectus ( проспект Агасиева ), in his home village Akhty and other towns and villages streets are named after him.


  • Нурмагомед Пираметович Эмиров: Рабочий-революционер Кази-Магомед Агасиев. 1882-1918 . Дагкнигоиздат, Махачкала 1957.
  • Entry: Агасиев, Кази Магомед . In: Большая советская энциклопедия . Third edition. Издательство "Советская энциклопедия", Moscow 1969–1978 (Russian).
  • Entry: Агасиев, Кази Магомед . In: Евгений Михайлович Жуков (ред.): Советская историческая энциклопедия . Издательство "Советская энциклопедия", Moscow 1973–1982 (Russian).

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